Thesis by compendium of articles

The presentation of doctoral theses may be accepted “by compendium of articles” whose memory directly includes articles published or accepted in indexed journals, or other peer-reviewed publications of recognized prestige, whose main author is the doctoral student. For its presentation in this format, the doctoral candidate must have the authorization of the Director and the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program, which will establish the minimum requirements in terms of number and quality of the publications for the presentation of the thesis in this format. The specific regulations of each Academic Committee in this regard will be approved by the Standing Committee of the Doctoral School.

The doctoral student must obtain authorization from the CAPD prior to submitting the thesis for external evaluation. The request must be accompanied by the document of acceptance of co-authors (non-doctors) for the inclusion of the results published in the thesis and their express waiver to present them as such as part of another doctoral thesis. In the event that the content of an article is part of more than one doctoral thesis, the content of the article should be adapted to each of the theses, reflecting only the aspects related to the thesis.

Theses by article compendium should conform to the following structure:

  • Introduction/objectives
  • Chapters corresponding to publications adapted to the format of the thesis. Articles published in the original format of the publication will not be accepted for the corresponding chapters, only the author’s version. The first page of the chapter should state the complete reference of the publication and, if applicable, that the thesis includes only an adapted part of it.
  • General discussion of the results
  • Conclusions.

Likewise, for the presentation of the thesis, the editorial policies of the different publications should be taken into account regarding open dissemination, given the public nature of the doctoral thesis defended.

In addition to complying with these generic requirements of the Doctoral School, the theses presented by article shall comply with specific requirementsmarked by the Doctoral Program that corresponds to the thesis, and which are listed below:


The programmes listed below do not have specific criteria defined:

  • PhD in Business Administration and Management
  • PhD in Textile Engineering
  • PhD in Mathematics
  • PhD in Experimental Techniques in Chemistry