Requirements to start this phase:
- Completion of the hours of specific and cross-curricular activities.
- Completion of the first draft of the thesis.
- Approval of the first draft of the thesis by the director(s) .
The evaluation and defence of a doctoral thesis include the following stages:
1.- Anti-plagiarism control of the thesis document
Necessary documentation:
- PDF file of the draft of the thesis (version 1).
Steps to be taken:
What | Who | How |
Upload the draft of your thesis | PhD candidate | From Thesis Management, Evaluation Phase / Version 1 Thesis |
Approval of the draft | Director | From Thesis Management, Evaluation Phase / Version 1 Thesis |
Analysis of the Turnitin report and justification of the % of plagiarism obtained. | PhD candidate | From Thesis Management, Assessment Phase / Plagiarism Review Report |
Revision of the Turnitin report and justification by the doctoral candidate | Director | From Thesis Management, Evaluation Phase / Version 1 Thesis |
At the beginning of the process, the doctoral candidate will be able to:
- Request a change of thesis title
- Confirm the existence of a confidentiality agreement with companies/institutions that requires specific procedures to ensure non-disclosure of sensitive information.
- Give consent for the UPV to use the appropriate means, including anti-plagiarism software tools, to verify the degree of originality of the work submitted and to offer the necessary guarantees in this respect.
You will then upload the draft version of the thesis (evaluation version or version 1), and the thesis supervisor will give his/her approval to start the plagiarism detection process of this document.
The thesis is analysed by the Turnitin application to evaluate the percentage of coincidence with previously published documents.
Once the report has been received, it will be accessible to the PhD candidate, directors and Academic Committee.
The PhD candidate will issue a report justifying the result received.
At this point, the PhD candidate may request to restart the plagiarism review process by submitting a new draft.
NOTE: This request will block the process of proposing external evaluators until the Academic Committee’s resolution, so it should not be used without being 100% sure. In case of doubt, please contact the Doctoral School.
The justification report submitted by the PhD candidate will be reviewed and validated by the thesis director, and will be available to the Academic Committee when reviewing the proposal of external evaluators.
A detailed description of this process can be found in point 6.1 of the FAQs.
2.- The external evaluation of the thesis (Quality assurance of the doctoral thesis)
Necessary documentation:
- Updated CV of the PhD candidate and external thesis director(s).
- Updated summary of the thesis in Spanish.
- Proposal of experts to evaluate the thesis.
- Proposal of members for the defence committee (this can be done at this stage or later, see point 5 for details).
- Declaration of the absence of conflict of interest signed by doctoral candidate and directors (to be uploaded by the doctoral candidate or director/coordinator).
- If applicable, document with the approval of the Academic Committee for the presentation of the thesis as a compendium of articles (there is no predefined model).
Steps to be taken:
What | Who | How |
Upload the complete and updated CV of the doctoral candidate. | PhD candidate | From Thesis Management, Evaluation/Proposal CAPD Evaluators |
Upload the updated summary of the thesis in Spanish | PhD candidate | From Thesis Management, Evaluation/Proposal CAPD Evaluators |
Upload the declaration of conflict of interest signed by doctoral candidate and directors. | PhD candidate | From Thesis Management, Evaluation/Proposal CAPD Evaluators |
Upload the proposal of External Evaluators of the thesis. | Director/Coordinator | From Thesis Management, Evaluation/ Proposal CAPD Evaluators |
Indicate whether or not the thesis is eligible for the International Mention and, if so, indicate who the supervisor of the research stay was. | Director/Coordinator | From Thesis Management, Evaluation/ Proposal CAPD Evaluators |
In order to guarantee its quality, and prior to its submission, the draft of the thesis must be assessed by two external evaluators.
The PhD candidate will have uploaded the draft thesis (also known as evaluation version or version 1) to the Thesis Management tool in the previous step.
An updated and complete CV of the PhD candidate and of the non-UPV directors must also be provided in the Thesis Management platform. For UPV supervisors, a complete and updated CV is not required, as long as the information registered in SENIA is up to date.
The thesis supervisors may prepare an initial proposal of 4 researchers from outside the UPV, who are PhDs and experts in the subject of the thesis. This initial proposal must be approved by the Academic Commission, which in turn will make a formal proposal to the UPV Doctoral School for its study and official appointment of the evaluators. When submitting the proposal, it must also be confirmed whether the thesis is eligible for the International Mention (if so, the name of the supervisor of the research stay should be indicated in the comments field).
Researchers proposed as external evaluators must meet these requirements.
In addition, if the thesis qualifies for an International Mention, the proposed external evaluators must belong to a non-Spanish higher education institution or research institute. The external evaluators must not be the same as the researchers who received the PhD student at their research stays and carried out tutoring or supervision tasks at the host institution.
At the same time, the proposal of the members of the thesis defence committee can also be made (see point 5 for details).
The information necessary to justify their affinity as experts in the subject of the doctoral thesis must be included in the proposal ( pdf with their CV (complete or abbreviated), a link to an institutional CV, or their ORCID identifier). In addition, a declaration of the absence of conflict of interest with external evaluators and external members of the defence committee must signed by the PhD candidate and the directors and uploaded in the Thesis Management platform.
It should also be indicated at this point if the thesis will be presented as a compendium of articles. If this is the case, the corresponding application form must be attached with the approval of the Academic Committee (it must be prepared beforehand).
From among the proposed candidates, the Doctoral School will appoint, two external evaluators. However, if required, external evaluators other than those proposed may be appointed.
Once the appointment has been approved, the Doctoral School will invite the experts to participate in the evaluation of the thesis. If they accept, they will have access to a copy of the draft of the thesis, the CV of the PhD candidate, the candidate’s activity sheet (academic record) and the model report to be completed. If the invitation is declined, the first alternate will be invited.
If an expert requires the thesis document in a physical format, the request will be passed on to the director(s) or to the PhD candidate so that they can send it to the evaluator.
In cases where the existence of a confidentiality agreement with companies/institutions has been confirmed, the evaluators must accept the corresponding agreement not to disclose the information received.
Within a maximum period of 30 days, the external evaluators must submit the corresponding report. Once the evaluation reports have been issued, they may be consulted through the Thesis Management tool by the PhD candidate, director(s), tutors and the Academic Committee. If this evaluation deadline is not met, at the request of the Academic Commission, the Doctoral School may replace one of the appointed evaluators.
3.- Uploading of the final version after the external evaluation
Necessary documentation:
- PDF file of the final version of the thesis (version 2).
- Report in PDF format indicating the modifications made as a result of the external evaluations (if any) and/or minor format or typographical changes made based on revisions carried out during the evaluation period.
Steps to be taken:
What | Who | How |
Upload the file with the final version of the thesis (version 2) | PhD candidate | From Thesis Management, Evaluation Phase / Version 2 thesis / Report on changes |
Justification of changes made on the basis of the external evaluators’ report | PhD candidate | From Thesis Management, Evaluation Phase / Version 2 Thesis / Change Report |
Director’s authorisation/rejection of changes to the thesis | Director | From Thesis Management, Phase Evaluation / Authorisation / Rejection of the DTOR prior to the application for the deposit. |
Academic Commission authorisation/rejection of changes to the thesis | Coordinator | From Thesis Management, Evaluation Phase / CAPD Authorisation / Rejection prior to deposit request |
Once the reports of the external experts have been received, the PhD candidate must prepare the final version of his/her thesis (version 2), taking into account these reports, and the requirements in terms of format and content of the PhD thesis.
During this process, the PhD candidate may request a period of embargo on the publication of the thesis in the institutional repository RIUNET. This embargo must be justified, either because a patent application related to the content of the thesis has been initiated, or because there are contributions derived from the thesis pending publication.
You must then upload the final version (version 2) of the thesis, indicating the changes made and the reasons for them. You can also justify not having made any changes if no suggestions were proposed by the experts. This report of changes will be compulsory if any of the external evaluators have indicated in their review that the thesis is “Proceed with changes”.
Once this step has been completed by the PhD candidate, all the directors must approve the changes presented, thus giving their approval of the final version of the thesis. They must also indicate at this point if the thesis has been carried out within the framework of one of the research grants in which they are involved.
The Academic Commission must then decide to approve or reject the changes submitted and the deposit of the final version of the thesis.
4.- Application for the deposit of the thesis
Necessary documentation:
- Summary of the thesis in Spanish, Valencian and English.
- PDF file with the summary of the thesis in Spanish (if it has been modified).
- PDF file with the table of contents of the thesis.
- In the case that the thesis is presented as a compendium of articles, a PDF file with the authorisation of the co-authors of the articles and waiver to present them in another thesis.
Steps to be taken:
What | Who | How |
Complete the deposit forms, including the summaries in Spanish, Valencian and English. | PhD candidate | From Thesis Management, Evaluation Phase / Request for deposit by doctoral candidate |
Upload the authorisation of co-authors (in the case of thesis by compendium). | PhD candidate | From Thesis Management, Evaluation Phase / Request for deposit by doctoral candidate |
Upload the justification of the embargo request (if applicable) | PhD candidate | From Thesis Management, Evaluation Phase / Request for deposit by doctoral candidate |
Upload the index file of the thesis | PhD candidate | From Thesis Management, Evaluation Phase / Request for deposit by doctoral candidate |
Payment of the thesis deposit fee (once the deposit has been requested) | PhD candidate | From Thesis Management, Evaluation Phase / Deposit request by the PhD candidate / POS Payment |
Acceptance / Rejection of the Deposit | Doctoral School | From Thesis Management |
The candidate will be able to request the deposit of the thesis from the moment the Academic Commission authorizes the changes in the thesis and the deposit of the final version.
The deposit will be made from the Thesis Management tool. The PhD candidate must complete seven tabs with personal information, information about the thesis, keywords and abstracts and files to be attached.
Once the forms have been completed, the candidate must apply for the deposit of the thesis, which will allow him/her to pay the administrative deposit fee.
Once the payment has been made, the Doctoral School will review the deposit, and accept it or solicit changes if any deficiencies are detected.
Acceptance of the deposit by the Doctoral School will mark the end of the period for calculating the duration of the thesis.
From the day after the Doctoral School accepts the deposit, the public exhibition of the thesis for a period of 5 working days begins. During this period, the information provided by the PhD candidate is published on the Doctoral School’s website and a communication is issued to the UPV community, so that any interested party who considers it appropriate can present allegations to the Doctoral School regarding the content of the thesis.
5.- Proposal of the members of the thesis defence committee (if this has not been done previously)
Necessary documentation:
- Preliminary proposal of 6 members for the thesis defence committee
- Justification of their affinity as specialist experts on the subject of the doctoral thesis
- For the chair and (and their alternate), evidence of their experience in thesis supervision (ORCIDs does not include this information)
Steps to be taken:
What | Who | How |
Propose members of the Thesis Defence Committee (and alternates) | Director / Coordinator | From Thesis Management, Evaluation Phase / CAPD Tribunal Proposal |
The director may prepare an initial proposal of members of the thesis defence committee. As in the case of external evaluators, the initial proposal must be validated by the Academic Commission, which in turn will make a formal proposal to the UPV Doctoral School for its study and appointment. The proposal may be made in parallel to the proposal of external evaluators.
The proposal must be accompanied by the necessary information to justify their affinity as experts in the subject of the doctoral thesis (pdf of their CV (complete or summarised), a link to an institutional CV, or their ORCID identifier).
For the chairperson (and their alternate), some evidence of their experience in PhD thesis supervision must be included (ORCIDs do not include this information).
From among the proposed candidates, the Doctoral School will designate the defence committee members and their alternates.
The selection of the Thesis Defence Committee members shall be in accordance with the following:
- The defence committee members will be made up of a total of three members and three alternates, all of them PhDs with accredited research experience. A maximum of one of the members (and their alternate) may belong to the Universitat Politècnica de València or to the institutions collaborating in the doctoral programme.
- It will be admitted that, for the formation of the defence committee, and at most, one of its members may collaborate with the direction of the thesis in the last 3 years, regardless of whether it is the UPV member or an external member. In no case may he/she collaborate with the doctoral student. The rest must meet these requirements.
- External evaluators (and their alternates) may form part of the defence committee.
- The proposal shall specify the rolls of chairperson, secretary and member of the committee and their respective alternates.
- In order to be chairperson, it is a requirement to have supervised at least one doctoral thesis.
- The director(s) and/or tutors of the thesis may not be a member of the defence committee.
- In the defence committee proposal, the presence of both genders should be ensured (at least one member of each gender in the defence committee, not including alternates).
In addition, if the thesis qualifies for the International Mention, at least one person on the thesis defence committee must belong to a non-Spanish higher education institution or research centre (they must not be the same as the researchers who received the PhD student and carried out tutoring or supervision tasks at the host institution).
Once the appointment has been approved, and from the moment the thesis deposit has been accepted, the Doctoral School will invite the members to participate in the defence committee. If they accept, they will be provided with a copy of the final version of the doctoral thesis, the reports of the external experts and the report of changes made by the PhD candidate after the external evaluation, if applicable. If the invitation is declined, the alternate will be invited.
In cases where the existence of a confidentiality agreement with companies/institutions has been confirmed, the members of the defence committee must accept the corresponding agreement not to disclose the information received.
In the event that a designated member requires the thesis document in physical format, the request will be passed on to the director(s) or to the PhD candidate so that they can send it to them.
6.- Defence of the Doctoral Thesis
Steps to be taken:
What | Who | How |
Convene the defence | Chairperson of the Defence Committee | From Thesis Management |
Generation of the defence and evaluation record | Defence Committee | From Thesis Management |
Validation of the defence record | Doctoral School | From Thesis Management |
After the period of public exhibition of the thesis, and after the acceptance of the three members of the committee, the chairperson of the examining board may convene the Thesis defence, specifying the date, time, and place of the defence, always at least 8 working days before the defence date.
The defence may be on-site, on-line or hybrid format. In any case, the format of the defence must be confirmed at the time of convening the defence.
The directors/tutors and those responsible for the doctoral programme will support the chairperson in the management of the defence session (reservation of spaces, management of meetings in the case of on-line or hybrid defences, …).
Once the date of the thesis defence has been confirmed, the Doctoral School will contact the members of the defence committee to arrange travel and accommodation, if necessary.
The doctoral thesis will be assessed during the defence ceremony, which will take place in a public session and will consist of the presentation and defence by the doctoral candidate of the research work carried out. The defence committee will issue a report and award the overall grade in accordance with the following scale: Fail, pass, notable and outstanding. In addition, the defence committee will assess the cross-curricular competencies acquired by the PhD candidate on a scale of 0 to 10.
Once the session has ended and the defence minutes have been validated by the secretary, and only in cases where the overall grade is outstanding, the defence committee may award the mention of “cum laude” and propose the thesis for the Extraordinary Award. In both cases, a unanimous positive secret vote is required.
Once the defence has been completed, the secretary of the defence committee will send a copy of the minutes (defence report) to the Doctoral School, which will be responsible for validating the information.
The day after the validation of the defence report by the Doctoral School, the doctoral candidate will receive an email with instructions on how to start the process of requesting the issuance of the PhD degree.