Visit of the external evaluation committee

To evaluate the Master’s Degree in Acoustic Engineering.

The Gandia campus of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) will be visited by the External Evaluation Committee which, as part of the program for the renewal of accreditation of bachelor’s and master’s degrees of the Agència Valenciana d’Avaluació i Prospectiva (AVAP), has to evaluate the Master’s Degree in Acoustic Engineering.

The purpose of this process, which is repeated every six years, is to verify whether the results of the evaluated degree are adequate and guarantee the continuity of the degree until the next renewal of accreditation.

During the visit, the evaluators, in addition to consulting the foreseen evidence (training program, indicators, learning outcomes…) and visiting the facilities where the Master in Acoustic Engineering is taught, will meet with different groups involved with the degree (students, faculty, management team, employers…).

There will also be apublic hearing theFebruary 6,from 09:00 to 09:30 hoursThe Master’s Degree in Acoustics Engineering, which is taught at the Gandia campus, is open to anyone interested and who has not been interviewed, so that they can contribute their views on the Master’s Degree in Acoustics Engineering taught at the Gandia campus.

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