Contest of works oriented to human development and international development cooperation

The Center for Development Cooperation of the Universitat Politècnica de València wants to reward the commitment of UPV students with the improvement of people’s lives and the achievement of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations. To this end, the UPV has announced the End of Degree (TFG) and End of Master’s Degree (TFM) Competition as key tools to strengthen the solidarity commitment of the university community.

The awards are aimed at students of official degrees of the UPV who have submitted their TFG or TFM during the last two academic years, whose theme addresses issues related to sustainable human development and international cooperation.

Awarding of prizes

For the TFM modality, two prizes of 1000 euros each will be awarded, while for the TFG two prizes of 500 euros each will be awarded. In addition, in each modality a second prize will be awarded, which will receive an official diploma.

The call will be open until February 3, 2025.

For more information, please visit the website of the Center for Development Cooperation (