Jaime Lloret, Sandra Sendra, Lorena Parra, Juan Luis Corral and Ivana Gasulla are among the top scientists in the world, according to the latest edition of theRanking of the World Scientists: World’s Top 2% Scientists. This classification developed by Stanford University, in collaboration withElsevier and based on data fromScopusidentifies the most outstanding research personnel in the different areas of knowledge.
Trajectory and contribution to the advancement of scientific knowledge from the Gandia Campus
The director of the Research Institute for Integrated Coastal Zone Management (IGIC) of the Gandia campus of the UPV,Jaime LloretThe researcher ranks 5624th on the list of impact over the past year and rises to 44118th on the list focused on impact over the course of a research career. “It has been a surprise to be at the top of the list.Rankingthat takes into account only the last year, such as UPV affiliation,” says Lloret. With a degree in Physical Sciences, specializing in Electricity, Electronics and Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Jaime Lloret holds a PhD in Telecommunications from the UPV. P2P, multimedia networks, wireless sensor networks, Internet of Things, and network protocols and algorithms are the subjects of the research of the professor of the Department of Communications at the UPV, a national leader in the field of telecommunications, according to the scientific quality index h estimated byClarivate Analytics.
In the ranking that identifies the impact of the scientific trajectory, the professor of the Department of Communications of the UPV also appears,Juan Luis Corral. Founding member of the University Institute of Nanophotonic Technology of the UPV, his lines of research cover optical communications, from the design of new integrated optical components to the study of new modulation techniques or detection for increasing the speed of optical networks of the future.
For her part, ProfessorSandra Sendra is a member of IGIC and academic director of the Degree in Interactive Technologies. She teaches several subjects at the Gandia campus and researches in the field of sensor design, use of new wireless technologies for the implementation of sensor networks, communication protocols, among other topics. She is a technical engineer in Telecommunications, specializing in Electronic Systems, graduated in Telecommunication Systems, Sound and Image and PhD from the UPV, in Electronic Engineering. Since 2020 Sandra Sendra appears as one of the first women researchers in Spain in the area of telecommunications, according to the scientific quality index h.
Lorena ParraShe has a degree in Environmental Sciences, a Master’s degree in Environmental Assessment and Monitoring of Marine and Coastal Ecosystems, a Master’s degree in Aquaculture and a PhD from the UPV. She has taught at the Gandia campus of the UPV and now at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). Her research interests include the creation of low-cost sensors, monitoring of agriculture and aquaculture, water quality monitoring and the use of sensors to monitor smart cities.
Finally, Ivana Gasulla D. in Telecommunications from the UPV in 2005 and 2008, respectively. Her line of research includes, among other lines, the design and application of multicore optical fibers and optical fibers to the field of microwave photonics and high speed communications. At the Gandia campus, she teaches in the Interactive Technologies Degree and in the Audiovisual Communication Degree. Gasulla has been chosen as one of the 100 people of worldwide reference in the field of photonics by the magazineElectro Optics.
The 2% list of the world’s best
Being in the top 2% list of the world’s top scientists is a valuable recognition. The ranking not only celebrates individual achievements, but also highlights the importance of impactful research for the advancement of knowledge. TheRanking of the World Scientists: World’s Top 2% Scientistscreated by Stanford University based on data fromScopus provided byElsevierthrough the ICSR Lab, provides standardized information on citations, h-index and a wide range of bibliometric indicators. This ranking is updated annually and publishes two lists, one on impact over an entire career and the other on impact during a specific year.