Study Plans/Curriculum (Summarized)
- Master’s Degree in Secondary Education Teaching
- Master’s Degree in Digital Postproduction
- Master’s Degree in Tourism Intelligence
- Master’s Degree in Acoustic Engineering
- Bachelor’s Degree in Interactive Technologies
- Master’s Degree in Assessment and Environmental Monitoring of Marine and Coastal Ecosystems
- Double Bachelor’s Degree in Telecom. Sys. Sound & Image + Audiovisual Com. (starting in 2024-2025 school year)
- Double Bachelor’s Degree in Telecom. Sys, Sound & Image Eng.+ Audiovisual Communication (to be discontinued)
- Double Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management + Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Audiovisual Communication (to be discontinued)
- Master’s Degree in Transmedia Communication
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Double Bachelor’s Degree in Forest and Environmental Engineering + Environmental Sciences
- Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Sciences
- Bachelor’s Degree in Audiovisual Communication (starting in the 2024-2025 school year)
- Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Systems, Sound and Image Engineering
Syllabus (B.O.E.)
- Diplomatura Degree in Tourism (BOE 28-10-1997)
- Associate Degree in Telecommunications Engineering Electronic Systems (BOE 10-12-2002)
- Licenciatura Degree in Environmental Sciences (BOE 12-12-2002)
- Licenciatura Degree in Audiovisual Communication (BOE 28-1-2003)
- Associate Degree in Telecommunications Engineering Sound and Image (BOE 10-12-2002)
- Associate Degree in Telecommunications Engineering Telecommunication Systems (BOE 10-12-2002)
- Associate Degree in Forest Engineering (BOE 2-3-1995)
- 2nd Cycle of Licenciatura Degree in Environmental Sciences (BOE 28-10-1997)
- Master’s Degree in Contents and Legal Aspects in the Information Society (BOE 26-11-2010)
- Master’s Degree in Transmedia Communication (BOE) 8-3-2021)
- Master’s Degree in Assessment and Environmental Monitoring of Marine and Coastal Ecosystems (BOE 18-5-2012)
- Master’s Degree in Acoustic Engineering (BOE) 17-12-2012)
- Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Sciences (BOE) 9-8-2010, rect. B.O.E. 29-5-2013)
- Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Systems, Sound and Image Engineering (BOE 23-3-2011)
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism Management (BOE) 9-8-2010)
- Master’s Degree in Digital Postproduction (BOE 17-12-2013)
- Bachelor’s Degree in Interactive Technologies (BOE) 15-3-2018)
- Bachelor’s Degree in Audiovisual Communication (BOE 9-8-2010)
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism (BOE) 10-10-2015)
MECES (Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education) Correspondance levels
- Associate Degree in Forest Engineering (Specialization in Forest Operations)
- Associate Degree in Telecommunications Engineering (Electronic Systems)
- Associate Degree in Telecommunications Engineering (Telecommunications Systems)
- Associate Degree in Telecommunications Engineering (Sound and Image)
- Licenciatura Degree in Environmental Sciences
- Licenciatura Degree in Audiovisual Communication
Equivalency Tables for Discontinued Plans
- Associate Telecommunication Engineering Equivalency Table Telecommunication Systems (1994 to 2002 Plan)
- Associate Telecommunication Engineering Equivalency Table Electronic Systems (1994 to 2002 Plan)
- Equivalency Table for the 2nd Cycle of the Licenciatura Degree in Environmental Sciences (1997 to 2002 Plan)
- Associate Telecommunication Engineering Equivalency Table Sound and Image (1993 to 2002 Plan)