Medical Services
Accident Response and Care
Accident Assistance for UPV PERSONNEL
Accident Assistance for UPV STAFF.
It is recommended to contact the school’s Information Service, and, after hours the Security Service. The response will vary depending on the situation::
- Staff (PAS) and Teaching and Research Staff (PDI) under labor contracts (not civil servant PDI:
Request a referral form at the Secretary’s Office before attending, if it is not possible, it will be done afterward. Assistance at:
Address Avda. del Grau, 13 – 15, Gandia
Hours From 08:00 AM to 8:00 PM
Phone 96 286 87 01
Fax 96 287 81 16
E-mail gandia@umivale.es
Outside these hours you should go to the Medical Center of La Safor, located at C / Daimús No. 26 of Gandia.
Phone : 96 287 47 40
- Civil Servant PDI:
Assistance at:
Your usual MUFACE centers
Accident Assistance for UPV STUDENTS
It is recommended to contact the school’s Information Service, and, after hours the Security Service.
Under 28 years of age on the date of enrollment AND NOT CONTRIBUTING TO SOCIAL SECURITY AT THE TIME OF THE ACCIDENT:
You can visit the centers that provide school insurance services. For example, here in Gandia, you can go to:
C/ Ciudad de Barcelona, 29 – Gandia
Phone: 96 287 26 49
Upon arrival at the Medical Center, you should identify yourself with your ID card and university card. Then, you will need to provide the required documentation (accident report), which will be submitted to the Center’s Secretary’s Office.
- Other students:
Grau Health Center or Hospital
Other Services
Medical Services at Campus Gandia
There will be on-campus healthcare service in office F-206 (located in building F, 2nd floor) on the following days beginning February 1, 2024:
- Thursdays from 12:00 to 2:00 PM.
The contact e-mail address is medico@upvnet.upv.es
Medical Calendar 2024

First-Aid Kit and Waste Disposal Management
The request must be submitted through Poliplan (Service Request on the SIPLS page), to the JUANA PORTACELI HEALTH CENTER of the UPV. Each CDIS is required to send a written request via Poliplan, either for either a first aid kit or replacement parts: