Cooperation Commission
The Commission for Cooperation and Solidarity at Campus Gandia of the Universitat Politècnica de València under the Vice-Rectorate for Social Responsibility and Cooperation, seeks to connect the university community with diverse social realities. This is achieved through various collaborations across different sectors, considering the current potential of each degree program.
Its objectives include:
• Transferring scientific knowledge and providing support through human resources (volunteering)
• Creating forums for discussion
• Developing new content in academic courses related to cooperation and social action, initiating projects, building opinion networks, and collaborating with various NGOs and NGDOs.
In order to achieve its objectives, several lines of work have been proposed:
–Education: Key activities include workshops, courses offered by the UPV’s Center for Development Cooperation (CCD) (volunteering and cooperation courses), UPV’s INCIDE courses , UPV’s ICE courses, conferences with NGOs, and more..
–Social Action: Solidarity campaigns, such as initiatives to collect clothes, food, toys, books, school supplies, computers, and more
–Social Volunteering: Creation of a volunteer pool on Campus Gandia, collaboration with various NGOs, recognition events for social volunteering, and more.
–Research Project: Writing projects, offering topics and carrying out TFG and TFM related to cooperation and social action. Additionally, e focus on teaching publications, management of public calls for proposals.
–Promotion: Dissemination work through various activities with organizations and entities, managing social media presence, and more.
If you are part of an NGO, NGDO or association and would like to collaborate. or if you are part of the university community with any concerns, ideas or projects to develop, do not hesitate to reach out to us.