School Board

Responsibilities of the School Board

The powers of the School Board are as follows:

  • Propose, as an extraordinary measure, the call for elections of the director in accordance with the terms set forth in these Bylaws.
  • Establish criteria and organize the development of the institution’s activities.
  • Approve the appointment of committees for the defense of bachelor’s final projects and master’s final projects for official degrees organized by the center, as well as for any other committees that may be established.
  • Review and provide recommendations for applications for credit recognition in official degrees organized by the institution.
  • Organize, manage, coordinate and oversee academic exchanges for students with other institutions and universities that have collaboration agreements with the Universitat Politècnica de València.
  • Prepare the draft regulations for approval by the Governing Council, as necessary
  • Carry out any additional functions as assigned by the University.

School Board

Ex Officio Members

DirectorAlba Fernández, Jesús
Head of StudiesSánchez Morcillo, Víctor
SecretaryPelegrí Sebastiá, José
Head of AdministrationFigueiras San Claudio, Beatriz
Student DelegateSaiz Valero, Esther

Department Representatives

CommunicationsAlmenar Terre, Vicenç
Applied MathematicsBoigues Planes, Francisco José
Electronics EngineeringCastells Ramón, Francisco Sales
Hydraulic Engineering and EnvironmentFalco Giaccaglia, Silvia Laura
Com. Audiov., Doc. and Art HistoryLa Parra López, Santiago
Applied LinguisticsMas Castells, Josep Àngel
Information Systems and ComputingPalomares Chust, Alberto Adrián

Sector: PDI- Civil Servants

Altur Grau, Vicent Jesús
Bataller Mascarell, Jordi
Belda Pérez, Eduardo Jorge
Boronat Seguí, Fernando
Corral González, Juan Luis
Cabrera Méndez, Margarita
Espinosa Roselló, Víctor
Fernández Méndez, Mª Manuela
Flores Asenjo, Santiago José
Girona Coma, María Desamparada
Gómez Benito, Carmen
Gómez Moya, Luis
Lloret Mauri, Jaime
Pastor Gimeno, José Ismael
Part Escriva, María Consuelo
Pérez López, Héctor Julio
Picó Vila, Rubén
Rieta Ibañez, José Joaquin
Rodilla Alamá, Miguel
Roig Sala, Bernardino
Sanchis Rico, Juan Manuel
Sapena Piera, Almanzor
Sogorb Devesa, Tomás
Vidal Meló, Anna

Sector: PDI Other Faculty Members

Díez Somavilla, Rebeca
Giménez Lopez, José Luís
Mestre i Mestre, Eva María
Pastor Castillo, Francisco Javier
Santandreu Mascarell, Cristina
Teruel Serrano, María Dolores
Zulueta Dorado, Francisco de

Sector: Administrative and Service Staff

Dos Santos Pérez, Carmina Matilde
Escobar Rodríguez, Juan José
Miró Moratal, José
Solano Garcia, Celia

Sector: Students

Contreras Chacon, Victoria Alejandra
Díaz Valero, Lucía
Hernandis Ferrer, Glen
Hidalgo Aroca, Marta
Lazaro Puchalt, Astrid
Li Li, Zhen Hao
Napoliello, Mariangela Elena
Navarro Parra, Natalia
Orsillo Di Gennaro, Valeria
Requena Salvador, Daniel
Robles Cepero, Paula
Saiz Valero, Esther
Soriano García, Pablo
Velazquez Mena, Milagros