Do you know what theBULLETIN-ETSAHaven’t you seen the news of the new Newsletter published by ETSA yet?
The Bulletin is a weekly publication, in which every Wednesday you can consult the cultural activities that take place at ETSA or that may be of interest to you, such as conferences, congresses, exhibitions, publications, etc. You can find it at http://cultura.arq.upv.es/cultura/boletines/
It also provides information on academic events: TFG, TFM or doctoral thesis defenses.
In addition, in the section “STUDENTS“You can always be informed about courses, workshops, scholarships, prizes or contests for you, the students.
Likenew The “Secretary’s Office” sections have been implemented, where important dates for deliveries, enrollment, group changes, credit recognition and all other dates related to the secretary’s office are announced and that you should keep an eye on.
Other information of interest to students are “Internships” and “International”, which will help you to carry out extra activities in addition to attending classes, if you are interested in doing a stay abroad or in other Spanish universities, or doing an internship in studies or companies.
New features have also been introduced in the “TEACHERS | PAS“Among them, and the most important, everything related to the secretariat processes.
To make it easier to understand the Newsletter, the color code has been modified by thematic block, so that access to the information you are interested in is quicker.
Remember that all news received before Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. will be considered for publication.comunicacion@etsa.upv.es oanporma@urb.upv.es