The European project ARCH-E The European Platform for Architectural Design Competitions ( seeks to improve the possibilities for architects to participate in architectural competitions in Europe, particularly in those competitions that will be built outside the participant’s country of residence.
If you are interested you can not miss on February 20 the ARCH-E Day: Rethinking Architecture Competitions – Projects, Processes and Juries in the European context. Research on key resources to facilitate participation in Architecture Competitions in Europe, which will take place at the ETSA-UPV and is managed by the CFP ( registration).
With Iván Capdevila from the University of Alicante, winner of several Europan competitions; Anna Ramos, director of the Mies van der Rohe Foundation to talk about the competition for party walls in Barcelona with the UIA and UNESCO, in the framework of Barcelona 2026; Miyuki Inoue, Swiss architect, winner of several international competitions and winner of the anotHERVIEWture prize of the Austrian Chamber of Architects; and in the afternoon, Luciano Alfaya, dean of COAG and responsible for competitions in the CSCAE as guests.
9:30 Protocol welcome in the Projection Room ETSA UPV
9:45 ARCH-E: The European Platform for Architectural Design Competitions (Eva Álvarez and Carlos Gómez/ Universitat Politècnica de València)
10:15 International Architecture Competitions: our own experience (Iván Capdevila/ University of Alicante)
11:15 Interactive review of best practices in architectural competitions (ARCH-E)
12:15 Coffee break (Aula Magna foyer)
12:30 Protocol welcome in Aula Magna ETSA UPV
12:45 International competition of ideas for young architects to remodel
10 medianeras – Barcelona 2026 World Capital of Architecture UNESCO/UIA
Anna Ramos/ Director of Fundació Mies van der Rohe – Ajuntament de Barcelona
13:30 Architectural competitions in Switzerland: a personal experience (Miyuki Inoue / Architect, Partner at Hull Inoue Radlinsky GmbH)
14:15 Discussion
14:30 Lunch break (on your own)
16:00 Coffee at the CIA with ETSA UPV professors on architectural competitions (P. Inés Arnau/ Sergio Bruns/ Jaime Sanahuja/ Antonio Gallud/ DPA UPV)
17:30 End at ETSA UPV
18:30 Protocol welcome at CTAV (Marina Sender and Málek Murad/ President and Treasurer CTAV)
18:45 ARCH-E: The European Platform for Architectural Design Competitions (Eva Álvarez and Carlos Gómez/ Universitat Politècnica de València)
19:00 Architectural competitions from the point of view of the Architects’ Associations (Luciano Alfaya/ Dean of the Official Association of Architects of Galicia)
19:45 Wine of honor