Study a degree at ETSA
The public character of the ETSA-UPV allows to facilitate the access to the studies to a great number of students through affordable prices for credit and a teaching of magnificent quality. It is the most technological school in the context of the Spanish schools, it has a global profile teaching with a strong technical, humanistic and project component.
ETSA-UPV has more than 50 years of extensive experience. They belong to the UPV, one of the most prestigious internationally recognized universities, as the only Spanish university of a technological nature that appears in all the international rankings.
At present, the ETSA-UPV offers two degrees: Degree in Architecture in Fonaments and Degree in Architectural Design of Interiors.

Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture
The new Bachelor’s Degree in Technology Engineering
Industrial, together with the Master’s degree in
Industrial Engineering, replaces and is equivalent in its entirety to
to the previous Industrial Engineering degree.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does R.D. 822/2021, of September 28th, which establishes the organization of university education and the procedure for quality assurance?
The R.D. 822/2021, in its article 14 establishes that “The study plans leading to the obtaining of a Graduate degree will have 240 ECTS credits”. The syllabus of the Degree in Interior Architectural Design must be adapted to this condition, going from the current 180 ECTS to the 240 ECTS established by the R.D. The procedure for its modification has already begun.
In the 2022-23 academic year, will the 180-credit degree or the 240-credit degree be offered?
The 180-credit course will be offered.
How does the Curriculum change affect students who start their studies in the 180-credit curriculum?
According to the First Transitional Provision of the R.D. “students enrolled in these Degrees at the entry into force of this Royal Decree may complete their studies with the duration initiated in their study plan”. However, they will also be able to adapt to the new 240-credit degree whose Plan will facilitate the recognition of the subjects taken in the 180-credit degree.
What is the new Interior Architectural Design Plan like?
The new Plan retains the subjects of the current Plan to facilitate recognition between degrees and incorporates electives and multidisciplinary workshops. The objectives are multiple: the main one is to approach professional work, but also to facilitate international mobility and to allow the student to choose the subjects of interest through electives.
Will “Continuing Studies” enrollment places be offered?
Yes. Continuing studies places will be offered for the 2022-23 academic year in the current Degree in Interior Architectural Design (180 cr) within the deadlines stipulated by the Universitat Politècnica de València.
The so-called “Continuation of Studies” allows the recognition of the university studies completed by the student and, if the requirements are met, enrollment in the degree to complete the studies.