On November 12th we received Joaquín Sabaté at ETSA-UPV, on the occasion of the World Urban Planning Day (November 8th). We will talk with him about “El territori com a subjecte de drets”, you can see it at 12:45h at […]

On November 12th we received Joaquín Sabaté at ETSA-UPV, on the occasion of the World Urban Planning Day (November 8th). We will talk with him about “El territori com a subjecte de drets”, you can see it at 12:45h at […]
Dimarts que ve 10 de desembre tindrem la visita del professor Lukas Staudinger de la International University of Applied Sciences de Berlín. The conference is titled URBAN CURATING and will take place at ETSA’s Sala de Projeccions on December 10th […]