Specific master’s degree procedures
Access Pre-registration / Admission
Enrollment and group change
Ordinary Enrollment
New entry dates
- Admitted in Phase 1
June 9 and 10, 2022 - Admitted in Phase 2
July 25 and 26, 2022 - Admitted in Phase 3
September 16 and 19, 2022
Date(s) of enrollment by reassignment of vacancies in those studies where there are vacancies and there is a waiting list:
- Adjudication June 13: registration on June 14 from 9:00 am to 11:59 pm.
- Awarding July 27: registration on July 28 from 9:00 am to 11:59 pm.
- Adjudication September 20: registration on September 21 from 9:00 am to 11:59 pm.
If necessary to fill vacant positions, additional centralized calls may be made.
Group change
Part-time enrollment
New entry dates
- Admitted in Phase 1:
from March 1 to May 20
Resolution and notification by June 6 - Admitted in Phase 2:
from June 15 to 30
Resolución y notificación hasta el 18 de julio - Admitted in Phase 3:
until September 13
Dates for students in 2nd year and beyond
- from June 27 to July 1
- Resolution until July 22
Enrollment extension
Enrollment extension if it meets the progress regulations.
Fill in and send byPolyconsult
Enrollment extension if you do NOT meet progress standards
If you do not comply with progress regulations, you must “request a progress regulation exemption through the intranet” (where you will request the registration and unregistration of subjects).
Deregistrations, enrollment and adjustments
Subject modification request
Go to Intranet/Virtual Secretary/Virtual Secretary/Applications/Registration cancellation request
Request for refund of the amount paid
Only in case of enrollment modification requested until October 31.
Send request byPoliConsulta.
Extraordinary Evaluation Event
You can apply if you have a maximum of 10.5 credits left, excluding the TFG and, if applicable, external internships to complete the degree.
- Miss a maximum of 12 ECTS to complete their studies (excluding the Master’s Thesis).
Course dates 2022-23
Late applications will not be accepted
- First period:
- Submission of applications: October 13 to 19, 2022.
- Resolution date: until October 26, 2022.
- Examination period: November 7 to 25, 2022.
- Deadline for submission of minutes: December 5, 2022.
- Second period:
- Submission of applications: February 27 to March 3, 2023.
- Resolution date: until March 15, 2023.
- Examination period: April 3 to May 5, 2023.
- Deadline for submission of minutes: May 29, 2023.
- Third period:
- Submission of applications: July 24 to 26, 2023.
- Resolution date: until September 7, 2023.
- Examination period: September 20 to 11, 2023.
- Deadline for submission of minutes: September 26, 2023.
Extraordinary Evaluation Event
Claim to Evaluation Act:
8 working days from the day after the review date
Claim to Final Act:
8 working days from the day following the day of the publication of the qualification.
The application is submitted electronically.
Exemption from class attendance
Application requirements
Exceptionally, students who for reasons of sporting activity, work, family situation, long-term illness, or others that deserve similar consideration, cannot attend the normal monitoring of classroom activities in periods of more than 14 school days, will have to request a waiver of the obligation of attendance. Said request must state the reasons for the same, including the documents that accredit the exceptional situation and the period for which the dispensation is requested.
At any time
Permanence and progress
- Applications: July 23rd to 25th
- Resolution and notification: until July 29
- Ex officio dismissal of students who do not submit a request: July 26th
Dates First Semester
- Alumni:
- Applications: from July 18 to 21
- Resolution and notification: until July 25
- New admission:
- Applications: from July 21 to 22
- Resolution and notification: until September 14
Dates Second Semester
- Applications: from January 31 to February 15
- Resolution and notification: until February 10
Recognition of credits
Regulations and information
- Ordinary term
- Application until September 30
- Resolution: until October 28
- Extraordinary term
- Application from December 1 to 30
- Extraordinary term resolution: until January 31
Instances (Send by PoliConsultation)
Applications and forms
- Préstamo grabación en inglés
- Prestamo grabación castellano
- Formulario préstamo material
- Formulario reservas
- Reintegro de tasas
- Reconocimento de Actividades
- Adaptación a Bolonia 2
- Acreditación B2
- Solicitud reingreso (en caso de estar desvinculado, se solicita desde intranet)
- Solicitud modificación matrícula
- Solicitud genérica
- Solicitud de progreso
- Justificante exámen
- Ampliación matrícula
- Alumno visitante