IV Technology Fair

Imagen de la fira tecnológica

350 high school, baccalaureate and vocational training students share their end-of-year technology projects at ETSIADI

The image resembled that of an anthill, with around 350 restless young people, eager to share their technological projects and meet those of other colleagues. We are talking about the IV Technology Fair, held on April 25 and organized by the School of Aerospace Engineering and Industrial Design (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Aeroespacial y Diseño Industrial ( ETSIADI), together with  CEFIRE CTEM(Specific of Scientific, Technological and Mathematical Field), with the collaboration of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) and the Asociación del Profesorado de Tecnología de la Comunitat Valenciana (APTCV).

The figure of 70 participating teams this year, representing 32 schools and institutes of the Valencian Community, reflected the quantitative leap that the event has experienced, since in the previous edition 50 teams registered. “It is a source of pride for our School to see how this fair grows year after year,” commented Alicia Herrero, assistant director of Spontaneous Generation and Entrepreneurship at ETSIADI.

Super motivating” challenge

The mission of the Technology Fair is to motivate students, as well as to make visible and highlight the work being done in high schools and educational centers in everything related to technological subjects, “which is sometimes difficult for students to associate with something concrete,” Herrero stressed. “And if we manage to awaken a vocation, so much the better,” he added. In this regard, Juan Manuel Ríos, a teacher at the San José de València school, is clear: “for us as a center and for the students in particular it is extremely motivating, since they focus their work not only on a specific subject but on a competition in which the level is very high”.

A different and enriching initiative

For Gonzalo Jover, a teacher at IES El Grao de València, the Technology Fair is a “different and very enriching” initiative. And he adds: “the students work more motivated in the project itself, in some cases they are more motivated for the future and, as if that were not enough, they aspire to get prizes or a scholarship to study at the UPV”. One of the students from this center and participant in the Fair, Jonathan Abril, confirms: “I love everything related to technology, so I really enjoyed developing my project. I hope I can follow this path and study at the UPV”.

Ticket to the second phase of the Industrial Olympiad

In total, sixteen works obtained some recognition in this edition of the Technology Fair. Many of them also qualified for the second phase of the  Industrial Olympiadorganized by the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial ( ETSII), which will take place on May 9. From there, the groups representing the Comunitat Valenciana will be selected for the national competition, on July 17 and 18 in Girona.

This is the list of the awarded projects in the Fira Tecnològica 2024:

– In 1r/2n ESO:

o Encreuament de carrers amb semàfors (IES Les Foies, Benigànim)

– In 3rd and 4th ESO:

o Mà robòtica (IES Clara Campoamor)
o Argomatic Rehabilitator (Col-legi Argos)
o El bolquer de Quico (IES Gregori Maians, Oliva)
o Touch-sensitive electronic drums (IES Gregori Maians, Oliva)
o Braç hidràulic (IES Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia)

– Batxillerat:

o Taula Arcade (IES La Patacona, Alboraia)
o Braille Translator (IES La Melva, Elda)
o Casa domòtica (IES La Patacona, Alboraia)
o Robot interactiu (IES La Melva, Elda)
o Menjador de mascotes (IES Massamagrell)

– Cicles Formatius de Grau Superior:

o Hydraulic equipment bank for the digitization of water (IES Beatriu Fajardo de Mendoza)
o Airpproach (IES La Vall d’Alba)
o Smoke detector in aeronau through laser emmallat (IES La Vall d’Alba)
o La vuitena vida del gat (IES La Vall d’Alba)
o Smart Packing (Escoles San José – Jesuïtes)