On May 16, whether you are a member/pre-registered or student, you can come with us to L’Alcúdia, (Valencia) where the headquarters of ISTOBAL is located.
It is a Spanish multinational group leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of car wash and car care solutions. Surely you have seen or have used at some point, one of their car wash trains to clean your car or any of their products. Come and discover how they carry out the entire design and manufacturing process step by step in their factory.
You can not miss this professional visit because we offer you a free bus service for the round trip. In this case, we will be waiting for you on the sidewalk in front of the College, at the door of the Church of St. Augustine at 9:15 am. Also, if you prefer, you can come with your own vehicle.
And if you are interested, don’t think twice! Because places are limited.
The visit will begin at 10:00 a.m. and will last 2 hours.