III CV Industrial Olympics

Results of the final phase of the III Industrial Engineering Olympiad of the Valencian Community.

On May 9 took place at the School of Industrial Engineering (ETSII) of the UPV the final phase of the III Industrial Engineering Olympiad of the Valencian Community. Organized jointly by the ETSII and by the Escuela Técnica Superior Aeroespacial e Ingeniería del Diseño (ETSIADI), in collaboration withCEFIRE CTEM (Specific of Scientific, Technological and Mathematical Field), the Association of Technology Teachers of the Valencian Community (APTCV),COGITI Valencia and theCOIICV Association of Industrial Engineers of the Valencian Community.

The finalist teams selected in Phase I of these Olympics, which took place at the Fira Tecnológica 24, arrived at this event and, after a written test, determined the winning teams of this edition.

Winning teams

Led tennis, from IES La Melva, Elda. Tutored by Fernando Gallego San José
Braille Translator, from IES La Melva, Elda. Tutored by Alicia Hernández Maestre
Formative Cycles:
AIRPPROACH, IES La Vall d’Alba, Castellón. Mentored by MªCarmen Gimeno Mallench.

The prizes for each of the members of the winning teams have been a tablet, and in addition, for those in Bachillerato or Ciclos Formativos, the classification for the Spanish phase of the Olympics, as well as six study grants endowed with 1000 euros each if they enroll in a degree of the School of Industrial Engineering or Design Engineering of the UPV.

The authorities present at the awards ceremony:

  • Mr. José Alberto Conejero Casares – Vice Rector for Students and Entrepreneurship
  • Mr. Juan A. Monsoriu, Director of ETSIADI.
  • Ms. Ester Giménez Carbó, Director of Student Affairs, Performance and Curricular Assessment Vice-Rector’s Office for Students and Entrepreneurship
  • D. Miguel Ángel Sánchez Romero, Subdirección alumnado/TFGs y TFMs. ETSII. Polytechnic University of Valencia.
  • Mr. Juan Checa Fernández, COGITI Valencia Manager
  • D. Alicia Herrero Debón, , Deputy Director of Entrepreneurship and Spontaneous Generation- UPV