Public Hearing External Evaluation Phase by La Agència Valenciana d’Avaluació i Prospectiva (AVAP)

The Master’s Degrees in Design Engineering; in Project Management; and in Mechanical Engineering, are in the External Evaluation Phase by the Valencian Agency of Assessment and Prospective (AVAP), for the renewal of the accreditation of the degrees.

Processes and resources are evaluated in order to ensure the excellence and competitiveness of the degrees. This phase of the evaluation will be carried out by external evaluators on February 05 and 06.

We want to involve the entire university community in this reaccreditation process. For this reason, apart from the meetings with the different groups that will be held, we inform that on February 6th, 2025, from 12:45 to 13:15 we will have aPUBLIC HEARING which will be held telematically for all those interested in participating with their opinion in the continuous improvement of our degrees.

We invite you to participate.