The ETSIADI has more than 24 computer rooms that students may request access to if necessary for the development of academic work related to the degrees taught at the School. The request must be made to the technicians assigned to that space, who will attend to the request taking into account whether the classroom is available, the program needs required, etc. Priority will be given to the use of classrooms close to the technician’s offices and in the case of requesting another classroom or if the classroom is not available, the technician will be able to offer alternatives if possible so that the student can develop the requested activity.
It is possible to request the opening of another computer room for free use in the case that this one is full, as long as there is availability.
Legal Notice
The UPV informs that in compliance with the provisions of the Law on Data Retention regarding electronic communications, a record is kept of the use of user accounts and UPVnet resources and services, in order to determine the possible responsibilities of its users in case of misuse.
Likewise, in compliance with the provisions of the Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data, all accesses that users make or attempt to make to files with personal data owned by the University are monitored.
Normative highlights
- The instructions of the technical staff of the center must always be followed, which has the power to make decisions regarding access or not to their assigned spaces.
- It is TOTALLY PROHIBITED to enter the classrooms.
- It is forbidden to use the classrooms for non-academic purposes, especially games or entertainment programs.
- It is strictly forbidden to give the access key to any other person.
- Equipment malfunctions and errors in the installed software must be reported to the School’s computer services.
- The student must have the adequate knowledge to use the operating system and the required programs.
- Do not ever leave important files stored in your profile, desk or any other local space, as data stored locally on classroom computers may be deleted without prior notice, for maintenance reasons by the school’s technical staff.
- Requests for the installation of software will always be made through the following web site Gregal Centres and always within the period established by the school management for this purpose. Requests that arrive outside this period will not be accepted.
- All software to be installed in classrooms will always be for teaching purposes and must be accompanied by the corresponding license.
- Technical support will be provided to the equipment in the teachers’ offices that are located in areas of the center in terms of programming, connection and configurations. Remember that the malfunction or acquisition of machinery corresponds to each of the departments or teaching units.
- It is not allowed to install programs to the users, nor to modify the configuration of the operating system and existing applications in the equipment.
- It is not allowed to run any program that has not been previously verified by the center’s computer staff.
- You must comply with both the internal regulations of ETSIADI, as well as the specific regulations of the UPV, which can be consulted at the bottom of the following page. Failure to comply with these rules may result in sanctions, including the disabling of the user’s account.