Industrial Olympiad

Training in the field of Industrial Engineering is mainly provided through official bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and each year these occupy a preferential place in the rankings of employability in the spectrum of official studies within the framework of higher education in our country.

The Valencian Olympiad in Industrial Engineering emerged in 2021 as an initiative promoted by the Universitat Politècnica de València through the School of Design Engineering (ETSID), currently the School of Aerospace Engineering and Industrial Design (ETSIADI) and the School of Industrial Engineering (ETSII). In addition, the Official College of Industrial Technical Engineers of Valencia, the Official College of Industrial Engineers of the Valencian Community, the Association of Technology Teachers of the Community of Valencia (APTCV) and the CEFIRE CTEM (Specific Scientific, Technological and Mathematical Field) of the Generalitat Valenciana collaborate in its organization.

The aim is to promote and encourage the interest of pre-university students in the CTEM professions, in general, and in the Industrial Engineering branch, in particular, thus outlining their possibilities of accessing the technological world that these professions represent, in addition to rewarding effort and academic excellence;

Therefore, they are aimed at students in the 3rd and 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education, 1st and 2nd year of Baccalaureate and Higher Level Training Cycles (LOE cycles).

National Industrial Engineering Olympiad

In this section you can consult all the information related to the national edition of the Industrial Engineering Olympiad, its rules, how to participate, registration deadlines…

Bases regulating the National Industrial Engineering Olympiad

National Industrial Engineering Olympiad 2024