We talked with Alicia Vázquez Castro, graduate in Biotechnology and student of the Master in “Food Science and Technology” who has participated in the leadership and female positioning program, EMPLE.A,whose team has won the second prize of the program by solving the challenge posed by Mercadona.
- Good morning, first of all we would like to get to know you better so we would like to ask you to introduce yourself to your colleagues, what are your studies at ETSEAMN?
Last year I finished theBiotechnology degree and this year I am doing a Master’s degree in“Food Science and Engineering.“.
- You have participated in the leadership and female positioning program EMPLEA, how do you value the experience?
The truth is that I had some uncertainty when I accepted to participate in the program, since it was the first year that it was done, but now that I have finished, I am very happy with the program.is an experience that has certainly been worthwhile.. In fact, I have been able to meetwonderful women with much to contribute to societyThe program is designed to develop new skills related to leadership and teamwork, as part of a multidisciplinary team.
- In addition, the project presented together with your colleagues came in second place, what does this recognition mean?
My colleagues, our mentor Macu and I are very grateful to have received this award, since we feel thatwe have succeeded in giving good expression to the effort we have made and the program’s jury has assessed it.
The winning entry was a mobile application for the “Boss” (as Mercadona calls its customers) that included augmented reality.
What did the work consist of?
The Mercadona challenge on which we decided to focus was “.Digitalization at the point of sale: solutions that improve the purchasing process”. and the solution thatWe proposed an application for the cell phone of the “Boss” (as Mercadona calls its customers) that would include augmented reality.
In it, we proposed a main screen that had augmented reality to be able to walk the aisles of the store and have the app provide information about the products that were focused on. with the cell phone camera, such asHealth ClaimsWe also provide recipe ideas and allergen alerts. In addition, we include other useful functionalities such as a shopping list shared with family or friends, as well as the ability to perform an optimal store tour.

- What concepts have you learned?
I think what I have learned,more than concepts, they are skills. Having to schedule schedules and deadlines has helped me in the time management. In addition, at Mercadona they put us in contact with different departments to have a more global vision and therefore, I was also able to develop my communication skills, explaining the team’s objectives and dialoguing to find solutions to our doubts.
On the other hand, I learned aboutother fieldsthat may be a little more distant from what I have studied, but that may be a little more distant from what I have studied.owing to the use of augmented reality and certain economic technicalities we need to prepare the budgets.
The program is a very good experience to understand the challenges that companies face on a daily basis, learn how they work and start to be part of their teams.
- Would you recommend the program to other students? If yes, what would be the main reasons?
Of course,the program is a very good experience to understand the challenges that companies face on a daily basis, to learn how they work and to become part of their teams.. It’s a very good way to have that first contact and that, together with IESE’s training, I think it gives us a very good orientation for our entry into the world of work.
- Where do you want to direct your professional future?
Since high school I had it clear that I wanted to dedicate myself to R+D+i and I am still thinking about it, but now I have discovered that this is a very broad sector.
I would like to focus my career in the food industry combining laboratory and management work.
StillI am deciding whether I prefer to focus my work on the laboratory or management side, although I would specifically like to focus on the food industry from both areas.
- What is your biggest challenge on a personal level?
I believe that the biggest challenge for the future is to know finding the balance between work and professional growth with personal relationships and leisure.

- Going into a more personal and relaxed side, what motto or phrase inspires you?
Related to the previous answer, I would say that my motto is something like. “Try your best to do what you enjoy and, with patience and the right conditions, the results will come.“
- As a user of social networks, which one do you find most useful?
Wheremost time I spend is on Twitter and Tiktok. and as controversial as it may be, I think there is some very interesting content in Tiktok.
- Pizza, with or without pineapple?
Sin, pineapple is best left for tacos al pastor.
- In summer, air conditioning or fan?
Either one works for me against the heat.
- Vacations, sea or mountain?
Atspring and summer sea, in autumn and winter mountain.
- Finally, coffee, black or with milk?
With milk and foam