We talked to José Miguel Mulet, professor at ETSEAMN, vice-director of IBMCP (Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Plants) and one of the national reference science communicators.
- Good morning, first of all we would like to get to know you better so we ask you to introduce yourself to your colleagues, who is José Miguel Mulet?
Well, I am someone who was born in Dénia 50 years ago.I studied Chemistry at the University of Valencia and hD. thesis at the Polytechnic in the laboratory of Ramón Serrano.. Then I left for three years ofpostdoctoral fellow at the University of Basel(Switzerland) and since 2008 I also teach. I was the first year at the Gandía Campus and then at the ETSEAMN.
For 12 years I was director of the Master in Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology of Plants organized by the IBMCP, a joint institute of the CSIC and the UPV where I do my research and of which I have been vice-director for the last few months.
- You are a PI, a professor and you have published 10 books in 10 years. Where do you find the time?
Well,spending many hours a day in my office, and trying to make the most of all the time I am here. I don’t think there is any secret. Maybe it’s true that I write quite fast, that’s the only thing.
If I didn’t do research, I wouldn’t be able to tell my students things first hand, and it would be more complicated to write a popularization book.
- How do you define yourself: researcher, educator or researcher?
I believe thatis all the same. If I didn’t do research I wouldn’t be able to tell things I would be more complicated to write a popularization book, in the same way, when I document to write a new book, I find material that I can later use in class or new ideas to research.
Theand interaction with the students is very useful.to know how you have to say things so that people understand you, which comes in handy when writing books or asking for research projects.
If we are receiving public funds and doing research, part of that effort has to revert to society, either in the form of applied science or in the form of dissemination and knowledge.
- Do you think the transfer is important?
I believe that if we are receiving public funds and doing research, part of that effort has to revert to society, either in the form of applied science or in the form of dissemination and knowledge. The problem is thatmany universities are still not clear that all aspects are required. I have many anecdotes in that regard.
For example, in one of the first books,after winning the Prismas award, I asked the University if they were going to issue a press release to announce the publication. TheThe answer was that “it was part of my personal activity. outside the university environment, so they could not report”.Something similar happened when I asked them to evaluate the popular science columns I write for “El País Semanal”..I included these two merits in my application for the six-year transfer period and I received them.. The University congratulated me for achieving this six-year term.
- Moving on to a more personal and relaxed side, what slogan or phrase would you say?is it an inspiration for you?
Teaching in aSchool of Agronomy and Environmental Engineeringcan be none other than the one I put in my doctoral thesis and in the introduction to one of my books:“Expounded the king of Brobdingnag as his opinion that he who gets two ears of corn to grow, or two blades of grass where only one grew before, deserves the best for himself, and does more service to his country than all politicians put together.” Jonathan Swift (Gulliver’s Travels).
¿Sam I the only one who, when I hear the name Elon Musk, thinks of a cheap air freshener?
As a scientist, the one that inspires me most is that of Nobel laureate Max F. Perutz:“When we approach the condition of the common man, there is a great difference between the approach of the priest, the politician and the scientist. The priest persuades the humble to endure their hard fate; the politician urges them to rebel against it; and the scientist thinks of a method that will eliminate the hard problem altogether.Thus, science has brought the realm of freedom closer.“
I also put this one in my thesis and in the introduction of“Transgenics without fear“They have been with me for a long time now.

- Will Elon Musk kill Twitter or will the opposite happen?
Allsocial networks or internet portals have a certain life, In fact, many have disappeared or have been reduced to a minimum due to mismanagement or user fatigue.
Does anyone remember Tuenti, Google+, Geocities, MySpace or Second life? And Bananity? The average age of Twitter and Facebook users is starting to rise,.
Does anyone remember Tuenti, Google+, Geocities, MySpace or Second life? And Bananity? The average age of Twitter and Facebook users is starting to be high, so it is clear that if there is no replacement they will end up disappearing, with or without Elon Musk. By the way, am I the only one who, when I hear his name, thinks of a cheap air freshener?
I spend less and less time on social networks and value my privacy more and more. I must be getting older.
- If Twitter disappears, will you switch to Mastodon?
Each timeI spend less time on social networks and value my privacy more. I must be getting older.When I found out what Mastodon was, I was very lazy and, to this day, I am not attracted to the idea, although never say I won’t drink from this water.
- Pizza, with or without pineapple?
In “We Eat What We Are,” my latest book,I tell the story of pineapple pizza, invented by a Greek immigrant in Toronto, with pineapple from a jar. That said, my favorite dish is not pizzas and with pineapple I would only eat it for punishment.
- In winter, socks to sleep in?
No. I am not very cold.
- Vacations, sea or mountain?
Why choose? I like both.
- Finally, coffee, black or with milk?
Same thing, it depends on the time of day, but I take it both ways.Of course, without sugar or saccharin. I like it bitter as life.