We talked toCarla Martí, Rayanne Nebbar, Miriam Millan, Elisa Garcia and Maria San JuanThe Spread Sensations S.L. team, students of the ETSEAMN and members of the team of the UPV Spread Sensations S.L. that last Septemberwon the second prize in the the fourteenth edition of the contest for the creation of innovative food products “Ecotrophelia España 2023”. Their work wasmentored by the professor and deputy director of the ETSEAMN,Purificación García Segovia.
- Good morning, first of all we would like to get to know you better so we would like to ask you to briefly introduce your colleagues, who are the Spread Sensations team?
The teamSpread Sensations is formed by Carla Martí Pérez, Elisa García Alberruche, María San Juan Pascual, Miriam Millán Castillo and Rayanne Nebbar Sekkoub. We are ainterdisciplinary team and we study different careers taught at the ETSEAMN. likeBiotechnology, Food Science and Technology, and Agrifood and Rural Engineering;
- You have recently won the second prize in the final of Ecotrophelia Spain 2023, what does this recognition mean to you?
Winning second prize in the final of Ecotrophelia Spain 2023 has been a really exciting achievement for our team. This recognition means a lot to us for several reasons.
First,has been a tribute to the hard work and dedication we have invested in the development of our product. (which was no small feat). From the conception of the idea to the final presentation, we have worked tirelessly to create an innovative and sustainable proposal.
Secondly, this award validates the importance of addressing current sustainability challenges in the food industry. Specifically, our project focused on creating an environmentally friendly product.
We are delighted to have the opportunity to give visibility to our product, as we have always had a strong commitment to the idea of expanding options for people with specific dietary needs, such as celiacs, lactose intolerant, vegans or those who follow a halal diet.Our mission is to offer a greater variety in the daily diet of these people and to contribute positively to their eating experience.
“Receiving the second prize gives us the visibility we need to be able to find potential partners and investors who are interested in bringing our product to market.”
In addition, receiving the second prize gives us the visibility we need to present our idea to a wider audience. This is essential to find potential partners and investors who are interested in bringing our product to market, which represents an exciting opportunity for us.opportunity for growth and development for our team.

From left to right: Elisa García, Miriam Millán, Carla Martí, María San Juan and Rayanne Nebbar Sekkoub.
Last but not least, we are very proud of this recognition and are very pleased to receive it.gratitude to our team and especially to our tutor Purificación García and Xavi Martínez who have supported us at all times.. We would also like to thank the Alicia Foundation for providing us with this platform to showcase our work and share our passion for sustainable food innovation.
“LUNAT is not only health, but represents a fusion of cultures and disciplines that are reflected in our own team.”
- How would you describe LUNAT to a non-specialist audience, what is its main added value?
LUNAT is not only health, but represents a fusion of cultures and disciplines that are reflected in our own team. We are looking forrevaluing our km0 and sustainable productsbut alsofavoring traditional agriculture that promotes regenerative agriculture.
Thespreads are an integral part of Arab and Mediterranean cuisine, which, consumed for centuries, are part of the culinary identity of the Mediterranean Diet. Their preparation, sometimes based on legumes, makes them one of the most importantexcellent source of fiber, vegetable protein, vitamins and mineralsIt also stands out for its great versatility, being able to enjoy it in different ways.
“LUNAT is a healthy, fiber-rich and nutritious cocoa spread made with a locust bean base.”
LUNAT is a healthy cocoa spread, rich in fiber and nutritious, made with a garrofón base, one of the most emblematic foods of the Valencian paella. TheThe combination of cocoa, tiger nut and locust bean provides an exceptional flavor and texture, proving that tasty and healthy can go hand in hand.
The highlight of LUNAT is its prebiotic effect.. The highThe amount of fiber in the locust bean, together with inulin, promotes healthy digestion, regulates blood sugar levels and provides a prolonged feeling of satiety. In addition, taking care of the microbiota is essential for long-term health. Cocoa, on the other hand, is a natural source of antioxidants and bioactive compounds that benefit mental well-being and mood.
Best of all, LUNAT is versatile and ready-to-eat. It can be spread on bread or crackers, added to yogurts, fruits, recipes and even used in desserts and smoothies. This versatility adapts to different preferences and needs, making it an ideal choice for any time of day. LUNAT is the perfect combination of taste, health and convenience.

- What encouraged you to participate in the group Fornejant Ciència de “Generación Espontánea”?
We decided to join group Fornejant Ciència de “Spontaneous Generation”. mainly forparticipate in the largest food innovation contest Ecotrophelia and be able to develop our own product.
Participating in Fornejant Ciència de “Generación Espontánea” allowed us to access valuable resources and receive fundamental support.
Throughout this experience, we had the opportunity to collaborate closely with students and mentors who shared our interests, which enriched our perspective. In addition, weWe accessed valuable resources and received critical support from the which allowed us to take our idea to the final phase and compete in Ecotrophelia Spain, where we were able to learn from leading experts in the sector.
It was an experience that strengthened our dedication to create a positive impact on the food industry.
- What advice would you give to students who are going to participate in the program?
For students who are going to participate in programs such as Fornejant Ciència or similar food innovation competitions, we offer the following servicesWe leave a few tips belown:
- Plan and manage time efficiently.
- Keep a positive attitude and persevere in your goals.
- Thoroughly research the problem and the industry.
- Utilizes available resources and support.
- Learn from mistakes and seek continuous improvement.
- Practice presentation skills.
- Lean on your team; it takes a lot of connection and commitment.
- Lastly, andvery important, bet on your product. If you don’t believe that your product is the winner, you won’t be able to convince others.
- Where do you want to direct your professional career?
Each one of ushas a unique and exciting road ahead:
- Carla aspires to design and innovate products in the food industry.This will contribute to the creation of healthier and more sustainable foods.
- Elisa has a focus on research in biomedicine or pharmacology, and their interest in R&D in the pharmaceutical industry could lead to major advances in healthcare and medicines.
- Maria leans towards drug research, development and control, which will play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and efficacy of medical treatments.
- Miriam focuses on nutrigenomicsThe new study, a discipline that can provide valuable information on how genetics and nutrition are interrelated, which could have a positive impact on people’s health.
- Rayannepursue to become an agricultural engineer in order to be able to contributing to the development of more efficient and sustainable agricultural practices to feed the world’s population.
- Finally, coffee, black or with milk?
The whole team agrees: !with milk always!