- Good morning, first of all we would like to get to know you better so we ask you to introduce yourself to your colleagues, who is Puri García Segovia?
As I always use the same joke when I’m introduced, yes.I am Purificación García but the other one. I wish I had been a fashion designer,although my mother was a dressmaker, but my designs have been food related. That yes I can prepare a balanced menu, so that the PG suits fit you like a glove, JJJJJJJJ.
Puri García Segovia is no more and no less than the daughter of a national policeman and a dressmaker, who as a child loved natural sciences, butwanted to be a writerIn high school she wanted to be a chemist, but in COU she ended up deciding for biology. Maybe she was indecisive, now I wouldn’t know, JJJJJ.
I started my professional career in quality control in a food industry, I was a teacher in human nutrition and dietetics training cycles, and in 1999 I arrived at the UPV in the Food Technology Department where I did my doctoral thesis.
I finished my degree in Biochemistry and I am proud that many of my classmates from that graduating class are now part of the ETSEAMN. I started my professional career in quality control in a food industry, I was a teacher in human nutrition and dietetics training cycles, and in 1999 I came to the UPV to the Food Technology Department where I did my doctoral thesis and where I have managed to overcome the challenges that sometimes I have proposed and other times have come to me.
I have so many defects that I can’t list them because I would probably fall short, and many people reading this will think of many others that I don’t even imagine I have, but I have my virtues.I put a lot of illusion in my work, no little passion, effort, desire, impetus, I am a fighter. (or stubborn that I do not know if virtue or defect jjj),I think I am a good communicator, I am not afraid to speak in public, I like to keep in touch with alumni, I like to contribute to the teams I am on, but I am not afraid to withdraw when I am expendable.I like to make things, I think I am creative. I like to cook, although now I only dedicate myself more conscientiously on special occasions. And I’m looking forward to the swimming pool, since it’s closed I’ve been waiting for it to open.
Entrepreneurship is not only about setting up successful companies, it is also an attitude that generates changes and that is what we want to reinforce at this stage.
- What tasks will you develop in the new direction of ETSIAMN?
For the next 4 years, I will be the deputy director ofEntrepreneurship and Spontaneous Generation. Constanza has wanted, in this legislature that we started,to unite these two programs of the UPV to link students and faculty in activities that mark the development of professional skills that today’s society demands. We have to break with the idea that entrepreneurship is only about setting up successful companies; entrepreneurship is an attitude that generates changes and that is what we want to reinforce in this new stage.
- What is the impact of ETSIAMN on Valencian society?
We have, from my point of view, maybe not very objective, but nobody asks me to be when I talk about the goodness of my house, a great power of impact or influence in the Valencian society, and that makes us have a great responsibility.
At the moment, my biggest challenge at a professional level is to ensure that the entrepreneurship and spontaneous generation department of the ETSEAMN manages to successfully develop the projects that we set out as a team.
- Currently, what is your biggest challenge at the professional level?
Right now, my biggest challenge at a professional level is to achieve, in the next four years, that in the sub-directorate of entrepreneurship and spontaneous generation of the ETSEAMN, the following results are obtained to successfully develop the projects we set out as a team.They are not few, and they will require a lot of work, involvement and effort, some will cost more and others less, but I will give the best of myself to achieve them.
- Going into a more personal and relaxed side, what motto or phrase inspires you?
Well, it’s one of my worst defects, I’m not a mythomaniac at all,I don’t think I have a reference to inspire me. I would not want to be like anyone else because I would lose my identity.. Of course there are people who have influenced me or in whom I have felt reflected at some time, that is inevitable, but I do not follow an “editorial line” so to speak.

- Will Elon Musk kill Twitter or will the opposite happen?
Twitter has already given Mr.Musk a lot of displeasure, but I guess he has stamina hahahaha. The truth is that I have Twitter and I have been at times very active, but I currently have it on standby, half boycotting Mr. Musk’s egocentrism, half uf! how tiring it all is. But above all because there comes a time when, as in all media, you get tired of so much noise, too many threads to pull, too much blood, too many opinionated people.
- If Twitter disappears, will you switch to Mastodon?
Well,I guess so, for gossiping, but now, all of a sudden, it makes me lazy.
Between pizza with or without pineapple, I choose the Valencian coques, more balanced, sustainable and from the land.
- Pizza, with or without pineapple?
Coques valencianes, more balanced, sustainable and from the landIt is a pity that we have not yet been able to exploit its potential.
- In winter, socks to sleep in?
Well,When I was younger my grandmother used to make peucos for us to sleep in,I now rarely wear, but I do wear “sleep socks”, not the ones I’ve been wearing all day, JJJJJJJ.
- Vacations, sea or mountain?
Maaaaaaar, sun, beach, even sand.I am a summer person, I love to lie in the sun, with sunscreen of course, and a book and spend hours in the sun.. The sea gives me peace, serenity, it inspires me, you see! The two years of pandemic, we could not go on vacation and this summer we chose Sardinia to spend a week from cove to cove, bathing in the sea.the crystal clear waters of the Emerald CoastThe water at 26 ºC that’s what climate change is all about.
- Finally, coffee, black or with milk?
Plain and without sugar.For long American breakfast and espresso for the rest of the day..