Amb motiu del“Dia Internacional de la dona i xiqueta en la Ciència” (International Day of Women and Girls in Science). parlem amb Rosa Puchades Pla, professora de la ETSEAMN i investigadora del “Interuniversity Institute for Molecular Recognition Research and Technological Development”.
- Bon dia, first of all we would like to know you better, so we ask you to introduce yourself to the few colleagues who don’t know you, who is Rosa Puchades?
As you saidem diuen Rosa i soc filla de Quart de Poblet, molt arrelada i compromesa en el meu poble, en el qual visc encara. Since 2000 I have been a professor of Analytical Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry of the UPV and a member of the Interuniversity Institute of Molecular Research and Technological Development (IDM);
In addition, I have been deputy director of“Cooperation and international relations– of the ETSIA, currently ETSEAMN, from 2004 to 2010. In 2013 I was appointed Vice Rector of Social Responsibility and Cooperation of the UPV, being responsible for different units and services such as “Social Responsibility and Cooperation”.Equality”, “Universitat Senior”, “Cooperació”, “Acció Social”, “Discapacitat”, “ALUMNI” or “Escola Infantil”.
“At the end of my studies I had the opportunity to do my bachelor’s thesis and there I started my contact with research”.
- How did Rosa Puchades arrive at the investigation?
Sincerely, by chance.The years of my career were very turbulent, as they coincided with the death of Franco, the establishment of an incipient democracy, and continued wandering through the streets of the city.… At the end of my studies I had the opportunity to do my bachelor’s thesis and there I started my contact with research.Subsequently would come the doctoral thesis.but really my first contact was with the thesis of my bachelor’s degree.
I liked the laboratory, I liked what I was doing and I was very excited. It meant facing challenges, having sad moments when things didn’t work out and other moments of joy when I realized that little by little I was solving the problems, but always learning new things. This opportunity arose at the School of Agronomy during the thesis and I was fully immersed in university life as a teacher and researcher, now 44 years ago.
- Can you briefly describe your career in science?
More than 40 years of scientific career are difficult to describe, but in broad strokes, we could say the following:
I have co-authored more than 250 publications in international journals, 40 competitive research projects and have participated as a reviewer for high impact journals. as Analytica Chimica Acta and Analytical Chemistry. I am also a member of the Spanish Society of Analytical Chemistry and of the American Chemical Society.
“Throughout my scientific life I have received a total of 10 awards for research activities and social responsibility, and I have directed 19 doctoral theses”.
Vaig obtindré el títol dePhD in Chemistry from the University of Valencia in 1982, I have been attached to the Department of Chemistry of the Universitat Politècnica de València since 1979. I have also been founder and co-leader of the research group of excellence “Signal and Measurement in Chemistry (SYM)”, belonging to the Institute of Molecular Research and Technological Development (IDM).Throughout my scientific life I have received a total of 10 awards for research activities and social responsibility, and I have directed 19 doctoral theses..
And if we talk about research lines and themes developed, they are many and diverseTherefore, whoever wants to meet them will find me at the 3Q building of the university to talk about the exciting world of chemistry.
“Although things are changing, management positions are still mostly male”.
–In the field of science there is still an important gender gap in relation to management positions, although it is becoming less and less, what do you think is the reason?
Personalment,I believe that the lack of confidence in oneself, not feeling capable of taking on different challenges and having to take on different roles many times (researcher, teacher, manager, mother, housewife …..) and not find herself in a position of support.
Although things are changing, management positions are still mostly male and it is not easy to enter into this complicity that men have.
–Speaking in first person, have you encountered any difficulties throughout your career because you are a woman?
In my case I don’t think so, or I was not aware of it.I have always found that I was one more in the research group, although the effort has been great due to the fact that previously there was no talk of co-responsibility. and the role of women at the domestic level was very important, a reality that implied an extra effort.
“The successes achieved by women in science are numerous, but they have almost always been relegated to secondary positions”.
- What do you think are the greatest successes achieved by women in science?
There are many, but they have almost always been relegated to secondary places and the awards and recognitions have been for their partners, collaborators, etc…
However, in these lines I would like to acknowledge the work carried out by a series of references such asMargarita SalasDNA polymerase decobriderHedy Lamarr, Thanks to it we can enjoy Wi-Fi networks, Bluetooth or GPS navigation systems. Nor can we forget aboutMary Andersonwho invented the windshield at the beginning of the 20th century, but she never saw a dollar for it, not even fromStephanie Kwolek or Lise Meitner.
In this list could not missRosalin Franklin i his studies on the composition of DNA;Jane Goodall per les seues recerques sobre primats;Angeles Alvariño and the identification of over 22 marine species orJoselyn Bell Burnellwho in 2018 will receive the awardBreaktrough Specialin Fundamental Physics endowed with 2.3 million dollars, which will be donated to grants for women, members of ethnic minorities and refugees seeking to become astrophysicists.
If we talk about more recent researchers, the following stand outMaría Antonia Blasco Marhuendaa Spanish scientist specializing in the study of the role of telomeres and telomerase in cancer and aging;Alicia Calderónphysicist who is part of the team of the European Organization for Nuclear Research that discovered the “Higgs Boson”;Rosa María Menéndez López , chemist and first woman president of CSICElena García Armada, scientist who focuses his work on improving the lives of people with spinal muscular atrophy, developing the first infantile biological exoskeleton;Margarita Marqués who has worked in the genetic modification of sheep at the Scottish institute pioneer in cloning a mammal, the famous Dolly the sheep.
Finally, I have to mention younger researchers such as Mar González (34 years old), one of the main researchers of Hololens, Microsoft’s commitment to Virtual Reality, oAna Freire,PhD in computer science and who has 2015, will receive the award;Big Data Talent Awards a la millor Tesis Doctoral.
“Initially, no woman was among the references in the field of science, in fact, my researcher father was Eduardo Primo Yúfera”.
- Who have been your female references in the field of science?
Initially, no woman was among the referents, in fact my researcher father wasEduardo Primo Yúfera.Subsequently, I have met many women, who in one way or another have marked my career. and they have influenced me not only on a scientific level, but also on a personal level of how to keep the group united, active and in harmony.
- Which book would you recommend to students starting their career in science?
Sens dubte “Sapiens. From Animals to Gods: A Brief History of Humankind.” by Yuval Noah Harari.
“A word of advice: if they are dedicated to research, they should develop science with humanism and technology with justice”.
- What advice would you give them?
That they put passion and effort in what they are doing and fight for what makes them happy. Moreover, thatare inclusive and innovative and that in this changing and volatile world they have a great capacity for adaptation.
If they are dedicated to research, let them develop science with humanism and technology with justice.They should never forget to be supportive, critical and plural,always making dialogue possible.
- Currently, and about to face your retirement, what is your biggest personal challenge?
Keep me in permanent updating and dedicate my time to everything that attracts me and that I have not been able to do in my academic career.without forgetting activities related to sustainability and human rights.vessant fonamental per a mi.
“M’agrada la frase de Miquel Martí i Pol: Tot està per fer i tot és possible”.
- Going into a more personal and distant perspective, what motto or phrase serves as your inspiration?
As Miquel Martí i Pol’s poem “Everything is to be done and everything is possible“Or as José Martí said “Fer es la millor manera de dir” (To work is the best way to say).
This phrase is more of my own: “Dynamism, enthusiasm and commitment drive all the transformations that can have an impact on building a more egalitarian and just society”.
- “If you had to describe yourself in a tweet (maximum 320 characters), how would you define yourself?
I don’t know, I’m not used to participate in social networks, but I could say the following: I’m one of person, committed, impatient, I am very affected by injustices, sometimes very insecure and other times totally convinced of what I believe.. With a great capacity for work, but who does not know how to manage her time, very nervous, but who always puts the problems of others in front of her own.
- Will Elon Musk end up with Twitter or will the opposite happen?
I am not worried about Massa.
- If Twitter disappears, will you switch to Mastodon?
No ho ho pensat, però no crec, ja que com he dit no sóc usuària activa de xarxes socials.
- La pizza, amb pinya o sense?
Òbviament, sense pinya.
- A l’hivern, calcetins per dormir?
Sense calcetins, per favor.
- Holidays, sea or mountain?
Mountain, although I like the sea very much, but more in winter.
- Finally, coffee alone or with milk?
Cafè sol i carregat.