We talked to Marta Illescas Verdú, a Biotechnology student who has participated in the leadership and female positioning program, EMPLE.A,whose team won the first prize in the program by solving the challenge posed by Edwards Lifesciences.

- Good morning, first of all we would like to get to know you better so we would like to ask you to introduce yourself to your colleagues, what are your studies at ETSEAMN?
Good morning! Before going into introductions I would like to thank you for having taken me into account for this section, I discovered it a few weeks ago when you interviewed a classmate and I found it super interesting.
I am Marta andI have studied Biotechnology. Last year I was on Erasmus+ doing the subjects of 4th and 6th grade. This year I have combined my TFG at IIS La Fe with an extracurricular internship in an innovation consultancy.
- You have participated in the leadership and female positioning program EMPLEA, how do you value the experience?
It has been a very positive experience. I thinkIt is essential to have this type of initiatives from the UPV that promote female leadership and positioning in organizations.The company’s projects, which give us the opportunity to meet and be mentored in a project by women with positions of responsibility in large companies in which we can see ourselves reflected and have as true references.
- In addition, the project presented together with your colleagues was the winner, what does this recognition mean?
It has been a realhonor to receive the first prize considering the level of the projects presented by other colleagues. and the large companies that supported them, we are very excited and grateful.
Before the Awards Gala, my colleagues and I joked with our mentor about how difficult it would be to win and shared the opinion that, regardless of whether or not we received the award, we were very proud of the work we had done and felt like winners. But, obviously,It is always nice to receive some recognition after so many hours of work and involvement.
The winning project consisted of the development of a strategic plan to manage generational diversity in the pharmaceutical and medical devices industry.
- What was the winning entry?
The work consisted of the development ofa strategic plan for managing generational diversity in the pharmaceutical and medical devices industryspecifically applied to Edwards Lifesciences.
We can currently find up to four different generations working in the same company. The technological revolution, new ways of working (by objectives, teleworking…), changes in family models, different priorities… are added to different historical and cultural contexts and different vital moments; generating a great intergenerational gap that derives in the generation of conflicts and dissatisfaction of the different needs in the work environment.

Without the correct management of generational diversity, it is very difficult to build a work environment in which empathy and cooperation prevail, leading to maximum productivity and innovation. It is precisely this problem that many companies face, and through our project we have provided a strategy to tackle it at its root.
But, without a doubt, what I would highlight is the skills that I have been able to develop and that are applicable in all facets of life:learning how to manage a challenge that is beyond my area of expertise, to adhere to tight schedules, to work in a team, to lead activities with large groups of people, public speaking…
The program is an opportunity to let your potential come out in areas that may not be as well developed during your career.
- Would you recommend the program to other students?
No doubt about it, especially those interested in the business sector and organizational leadership,who are interested in learning how large companies manage the real challenges they face.
I think it is a very enriching experience and brings you closer to other students with interests and concerns similar to yours with whom you can form a great multidisciplinary team. It is an opportunity to let out your potential in areas that perhaps are not so much enhanced during the career.
In addition, ehe program includes a scholarship for a Women’s Leadership training course at IESE Business School, which is of great interest to those interested in entrepreneurship and leadership.It includes training in the area of negotiation, conflict resolution in the professional environment… all in a very practical and dynamic way.
Being mentored and being able to work hand in hand with mentors and staff from different departments of the company is a privilege and an opportunity that does not come along every day.
Above all, though,I recommend it for the accessibility it provides to important companies in various sectors, especially STEM.. Being mentored and being able to work hand in hand with mentors and staff from different departments of the company is a privilege and an opportunity that does not come along every day.
- Where do you want to direct your professional future?
Although my dream has always been to dedicate myself to research, specifically health research. In recent years I have had a great vocational crisis and I have become more interested in other sectors such as the management of the biotechnology industry, technology transfer and entrepreneurship.
For the time being,I would like to continue my training in the management of the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industry.. What the future holds for me remains to be seen.
It is essential to put your life on pause and ask yourself if what you are doing at that moment makes you happy and leads you to where you want to go.
- What is your biggest challenge on a personal level?
The biggest challenge I am facing is that ofstop living in automatic mode. Although it is something that I personally find very difficult to apply, I believe that sometimes it is essential to put your life on hold and ask yourself if what you are doing at that moment makes you happy and leads you to where you want to go. Sometimes I sawwe saw with the feeling of being constantly late for something and we don’t even know where.

I think it is very important to learn how to manage when the reality or the situation in which you find yourself does not meet the expectations you had in order to be able to react in time to channel your path.
- Going into a more personal and relaxed side, what motto or phrase inspires you?
Although it is a bit inconsistent considering that I like to always have everything under control, I am starting to internalize that“everything happens for a reason”. By this I do not mean to conform or resign yourself when things do not go as you want, but if you have done everything in your power and things have not turned out as you expected, you have to be open to the opportunities that the new situation in which you find yourself offers you and take advantage of them.
“There is no need to rush. There is no need to shine. No need to be anyone but yourself.”
Going into more inspirational or famous quotes, my favorite is one by Virginia Woolf:
“There is no need to rush. There is no need to shine. No need to be anyone but yourself.”
- Are you a user of social networks?
Yes, the truth is that they are my main entertainment in the free time I have during the day.
- If so, which social network do you find most useful?
The one I find most useful is LinkedIn, but the ones I use the most are Twitter and TikTok.
- Pizza, with or without pineapple?
100% pineapple free!
- In summer, air conditioning or fan?
I can’t stand the heat, so any option is fine, although at night I prefer a fan.
- Vacations, sea or mountain?
Why choose when you can enjoy both? I think you can make great plans both on the beach and in the mountains.Although my “must” on vacation is to go to the small village in the mountains of Cuenca where my family comes from.. I usually spend 20-30 days there in August and those are the best weeks of the year, so you could say I lean towards the mountains.
- Finally, coffee, black or with milk?
I don’t know if the answer I am going to give is the most appropriate considering the name of the section, but…. Until a few months ago I hated coffee!
Now I’m getting a little taste for it, but where there is a glass of milk with colacao….