We talked to Neus Alcón Bou, a graduate of the ETSEAMN who last June was awarded the prize for the best oral presentation made by students at the annual meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society..
- Good morning, first of all we would like to get to know you better, so we ask you to introduce yourself to your colleagues.Neus Alcón Bou?
At this time,I am a doctoral student at the University of Florida.a. After the grade has been completed“Agri-food and Rural Engineering”. at the Universitat Jaume I in Castellón and a master’s degree in “Agronomic Engineering” at the ETSEAMN,I decided that I wanted to have the experience of studying in another country.. Coming to the U.S. has given me the opportunity to learn about new cultures, to learn another language, to travel, but most of all, to meet great people.
I enjoy being part of the scientific community and interacting with all kinds of people. And although it is quite an experience to be here, sometimes it can be a bit complicated, so I participate in associations and committees that try to improve the lives of students. I hope in the future to be Dr. Alcón Bou and to continue working in research and improving my environment, even if only a little bit.
The award came at the right time, and sometimes we need a little validation to know that we are on the right track.
- You have recently been awarded the prize for the best oral presentation by students at the annual meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society, what does this recognition mean to you?
Professionally it means many things, from recognition that I can add to my resume to an opportunity to expand my network of contacts.It allowed me to introduce myself in a more formal way in the sector and to meet people working in my field of research that I did not know yet. All this opened the way to new collaborations and opportunities..
Personally, the award came at the right time, and sometimes we need a little validation to know that we are on the right track. It helped me to see that there were many things I was doing right, that quality is more important than quantity and that knowing how to communicate your ideas in an efficient way makes all the difference.
I chose to study the Master’s Degree in Agricultural Engineering at the UPV because it offered the possibility of a double master’s degree and it is one of the top Spanish universities in agriculture and forestry sciences.
- Why did you take the Master’s Degree in Agronomic Engineering at ETSEAMN?
I have always felt comfortable in academia, so I decided to pursue a master’s degree. When I made the decision, it was with the idea of orienting my future career to private enterprise.The master’s degree offered different fields of specialization, one of which was plant production, which I had always wanted to focus my career on. I chose the UPV because it offered the possibility of a double master’s degree (although, as life would have it, I ended up only taking the agronomy engineering degree) and because it offered the possibility of a double master’s degree (although, as life would have it, I ended up only taking the agronomy engineering degree).is among the top Spanish universities in agriculture and forestry sciences.

Neus, second from left, during the award presentation at the Florida State Horticultural Society annual meeting.
- What advice would you give to students who are starting their master’s degree next year?
First of all, enjoy the process, it is a very beautiful stage and you have a lot of freedom, sotake time to studyBut also go out, meet people, travel! Second, be in contact with your teachers and with people working in the sector, be interested, ask anything.Even if we are doing a master’s degree, it does not mean that we have anything clear, there are infinite possibilities in our career.Many of which I’m sure you haven’t even considered!
I personally believe that having an experience abroad is a very good opportunity to grow as a professional.
My advice is to ask, always, by calling, emailing, in person… For everything, for doubts about classes, internships, options for the future, scholarships… If something interests you, go for it! And although there is nothing wrong with staying in Spain, I personally believe that having an experience abroad is a very good opportunity to grow as a professional and as a person by exposing yourself to a language that is not your own, to another culture and to people from different countries;
When I studied the Master in “Agronomic Engineering” at the UPV I had the opportunity to do my TFM in collaboration with the University of Florida (UF), and a PhD position was offered with the professor I was working with and I decided to apply.
- You are currently working on your doctoral thesis at the University of Florida. How did the possibility of developing your studies at the University of Florida arise?
When I studied the Master in “Agricultural Engineering”.At UPV I had the opportunity to do my TFM in collaboration with the University of Florida (UF). The ETSEAMN, with Alberto San Bautista and Constanza Rubio, were starting an international relations program, in this case with UF, and I was able to carry out my project in the USA.
Once there and almost finishing my TFM, a PhD position opened up with the professor I was working with and I decided to apply.. To apply for a PhD there are some minimum requirements, you must pass a series of tests, one that checks if your English level is adequate (TOEFL) and the other that measures that you have the appropriate skills; critical thinking, writing and reasoning to pursue graduate studies (GRE).
Although all students go through the same process, it is easier when you know the faculty at the university and know if there are grants available in the labs you would like to work in.There are many positions and opportunities that are not published on the websites. So, again, it is important to ask, make yourself known, and contact the faculty or company. The worst thing that can happen is that you do not hear back from them.. And if that happens, then contact someone else who is dedicated to the same or similar.
“The focus of my research is salinity and its management in the Florida citrus crop.”
- What are the key aspects of the research you are conducting?
TI work mainly with two horticultural disciplines (which there refers to all fruit and vegetable crops, including trees).and engineering(focused on precision agriculture). The focus of my research is salinity and its management in citrus crops in Florida. Although this has not been a problem that has received much attention in recent years, due to climate change and population growth,water quality in Florida’s aquifers has declined significantly..
Excess water withdrawal results in saline intrusion increasing the salt concentration of the groundwater.Florida has a tropical climate, which implies very continuous and heavy rainfall during the summer, that serve to cover the requirements of our crops, but that are notThe lack of rainfall during the winter and spring months forces the farmer to use water with high salinity from the aquifers.
Citrus are crops sensitive to salinity, when we irrigate with water with a high concentration of salts we cause an osmotic stress that decreases the capacity to absorb water and nutrients, affecting production.
Citrus are crops sensitive to salinity, when we irrigate with water with high concentration of salts we cause an osmotic stress that decreases the capacity to absorb water and nutrients, affecting production.In my work we are evaluating the salinity tolerance of different citrus varieties.(especially grapefruit), examining alternative water sources and testing different irrigation strategies to obtain adequate production with minimal use of our resources.
- Where do you want to direct your professional future?
Although I don’t close the door to becoming an academician, once I finish my doctorate I would like to try my hand in private enterprise. Having experience in both sectors will help me to choose the option that best suits my way of working and my needs at that moment.I want to continue in the world of agriculture from a perspective related to the environment and the optimization of the use of natural resources.I have a very innovative approach, all from an innovative point of view and linked to new technologies. At some point I would like to return to Spain, although I do not rule out staying abroad for a few more years.
My biggest challenge was coming up with a topic for my thesis, I didn’t have much experience in research, so it was a slow process and a bit difficult at first.
- What is your biggest challenge on a personal level?
Personally, I found it a bit difficult to adapt to the system once I started my PhD. My biggest challenge was coming up with a topic for my thesis, I didn’t have much research experience, so it was a slow process and a bit difficult at first. Being consistent and committed to what I was doing helped me a lot to improve.
- Moving on to a more personal and relaxed side, what slogan or phrase would you say?is it an inspiration for you?
“Things don’t just happen on their own, you make them happen.”
- Are you a user of social networks?
- – If so, which social network do you find most useful?
Although I am not very active,I find LinkedIn very useful to be in contact with professionals in the sector.r and share your work.
- Pizza, with or without pineapple?
With pineapple
- In summer, air conditioning or fan?
Since I live in Florida, air conditioning
- Vacations, sea or mountain?
I could not choose!
- Finally, coffee, black or with milk?
I am more of a non-dairy tea drinker