Governing Bodies
The Board of the Center rules the ETSIAMN, and a Dean assisted in her functions by the Vice-Dean of Studies. The collegiate governing bodies of the ETSIAMN School are the School Board and the Permanent Commission of the ETSIAMN. All the members of the management team, headed by the Dean of the School, constitute the unipersonal governing bodies.
Collegiate Bodies
School Board
The School Board is the highest governing body of the School. It organizes and controls the teaching, the distribution of classes and timetables; it approves Study Plans, approves the School’s budget, etc. It is formed by PDI (Teaching and Research Staff), PAS (Administration and Services Staff) and a group of students elected by suffrage among the entire student community of the School. All the members of the Board are attached to the School.
Permanent Commission
From the School Board emanates the Permanent Commission, composed of the same type of members, but in smaller numbers. The Permanent Commission is in charge of the day-to-day running of the School, meeting more frequently and dealing with issues such as requests from professors and students, validation of free-choice credits, etc. All relevant issues proposed by the Permanent Commission are taken to the School Board for approval.
External Council
The mission of the External Council of the Higher Technical School of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering of the UPV will consist of assisting and advising the Academic Degree Committees (hereinafter CAT), Standing Committee, Management and the Board of the Center in the following objectives:
To constitute a forum for consultation and revision of the School’s curricula, programs and training strategies.
Assist in the development of new degrees, linked to social and business needs, for greater visibility of the School.
Channel communication with the School’s institutional and business environment, in order to foster possible collaborations.
The members of the Advisory Council shall be proposed by the Board of Directors, ratified by the School Board, who shall be selected for their ability to contribute to the development of the specific objectives of the Advisory Council itself. Additional members may be added subject to the approval of the School’s Standing Committee.
The External Council, through its members, shall represent the professional and business sectors, as well as public and private institutions.
The External Council shall be divided into Commissions linked to each of the School’s CATs, which it is decided to provide with this body. The number of members may vary, and per Committee shall not be less than 5 or more than 10. The members will be elected for renewable terms of 4 years, linked to the period for which the School’s Management has been elected.
The Director and the Secretary of the School shall be ex officio members of the Advisory Board.
Food Technology Area Commission
- Miguel Blasco Piquer – Deputy Director AINIA, Technological Center
- Victoria Gilabert Escrivá – KAM B2B Industry and Vending in Verdifresh
- Carolina Monleón Verdés – Commercial Manager at Coralim Aditivos
- José Juan Morant Navarro – Deputy Director General of CAP and Competitiveness. Conselleria d’Agricultura, Desenvolupament Rural, Emergència Climàtica i Transició Ecològica.
- Pedro Reig Catalá – Director of ASUCOVA (Association of Supermarkets of the Valencian Community) and of Coto Consulting
- Sergio Barona Valiente – Secretary General of FEDACOVA (Agri-Food Business Federation of the Valencian Community).
Biotechnology Area Commission
- José Pío Beltrán – CSIC Research Professor
- Deborah Burks – Director of the FCV Príncipe Felipe Research Center
- Daniel Ramón Vidal – Vice President of Nutrition and Health R&D at ADM, CEO of ADM-Biopolis and member of the Institute of Integrative Systems Biology (UV).
- Lucía Bernard – Business Developer at Outcomes 10
- Vicente Barberá Navarro – Founding Partner StartUPV Viromii
- Miguel Estruch Soler – Founding Partner StartUPV Viromii
Forestry Engineering Area Commission
- Sara Rosell Talens – Senior Technician in Forestry Engineering (VAERSA)
- Juan Uriol Batuecas – Head of the Forest Management Service of the Generalitat Valenciana
- Evaristo Pastor Mora – Environmental Engineering and Consulting Radinganorum
- Álvaro Escrig del Valle – Head of Forestry Brigade Service (Divalterra, Diputació de València)
- Elena Górriz Mifsud – Researcher at the Center of Forest Science and Technology of Catalonia (CTFC)
Forestry and Natural Environment Engineering Commission
- Salvador Villalba Roselló – Villamarxant City Council Environmental Technician
- Francisco Pérez Bas – Director of Landscape and Environmental Services PAIMED
- José Luis Soriano Sancho – Forestry Technician in the Analysis and Prevention of Forest Fires Unit at VAERSA.
- Ferran Dalmau Rovira -Director of the consulting firm MEDI XXI
Oenology Area Commission
- María José López-Peidro – Chief Operating Officer Bodega Chozas Carrascal
- Ana Calvet García – General Manager of Bodega Baronía de Turís Winery
- Francisco Javier Gandía Espí – Winemaker of La Casa de las Vides Winery
- Daniel Expósito – Winemaker of Dominio de la Vega Winery
- Alejandro Cortell Segovia – Technical Director of Bodegas El Villar. Advisor to the Certification Committee of the DO Valencia
Other Commissions
Undergraduate Academic Committees
Each of the Degrees taught at the ETSIAMN has associated academic working committees that have various functions. These functions range from monitoring the teaching of the degree to dealing with any complaints that may arise.
Master’s Academic Committees
Each of the Master’s degrees taught at the ETSIAMN has associated academic working committees with various functions. These functions range from monitoring the teaching of the degree to dealing with any complaints that may arise.
Evaluation Commission
The Evaluation Committee (EC) is in charge of carrying out the curriculum evaluation of the student body, as well as of resolving questions related to the application of Title V of the Regulations on Academic Regime and Student Evaluation.
Evaluation Claims Committee
The Evaluation Complaints Committee (CRE) is responsible for resolving the complaints referred to in Article 19 of the Regulations on Academic Regime and Student Evaluation.