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ETSEAMN in the World Rankings
ETSEAMN becomes your best option for your training
TOP 50 QS Ranking
Best Spanish university in Agricultural and Biological Engineering and in Forest and Environmental Engineering.
TOP 100 Shanghai Ranking
4th best institution at the national level to study Food science and technology.
TOP 150 Shanghai Ranking
4th best institution at the national level to study Agricultural sciences.
Get to know the center
All the information about the School in just one click.

ETSEAMN Yearbooks
The School’s yearbook contains the most important events that took place during the year. You can consult the history of the ETSEAMN.

Academic offerings
All the academic offer of degrees and masters that you can study at ETSEAMN. Grades Master’s degrees Double Degrees Double Masters

Chairs / Classroom-enterprise
Get to know the ETSEAMN’s chairs and classrooms.

OPII / Virtual Exchange
Collaborative Online International Learning, or COIL or Virtual Exchange is a pedagogy that is international, interactive and virtual. Using a variety of communication technologies, faculty from two partner institutions program collaborative learning measures for their students within their own subject …