Course for adaptation to the degree (Re-graduation)

For the academic year 2023-24 and following years, there will no longer be places available for the adaptation courses for the different degrees. This elimination is due to the fact that Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29, 2007, B.O.E. of October 30, 2007, established in Annex I, 3.Competences, 4.5 that “In those cases in which the university intends to offer a specific curricular design (bridging or adaptation course) for access to undergraduate studies by graduates of the previous system, all aspects related to such curricular design must be specified, as well as those related to the criteria and conditions of access to the same”. Empowering the Universities to offer these courses. However, RD 822/2021 -which repeals the previous one- does not include in its Annex II “Model report for the application for verification of the curriculum of an official university degree” any provision in this regard. Therefore, the access of graduates with Technical Engineering degrees will be made through pre-enrollment by the quota of graduates. Once enrolled, students will have to request the recognition of the subjects taken and the Head of Studies will carry out a study of each case.