Renewal of the Càtedra de Gobernança de la Ciutat de València (Chair of Governance of the City of Valencia)

On January 29, 2024 was signed the renewal of the Chair of Governance of the City of Valencia – Dades València promoted by the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) and the Department of Transparency, Information and Defense of Citizenship of the City Council of Valencia.

This Chair is attached to the School of Geodetic, Cartographic and Topographic Engineering of the UPV. It is an honor for this School to participate in this Chair with researchers and students, thus strengthening the UPV-Ciutat de València binomial.

The renewal was formalized by Juan Carlos Caballero, Councilman Delegate for Transparency, Information and Defense of Citizenship of the City Council of Valencia and José E. Capilla Rector of the Polytechnic University of Valencia as the highest representatives of both institutions.

Also, on behalf of the City Council of Valencia attended the event Mar Correcher Head of the Information Society Service, transparency and simplification of procedures and Pilar De La Torre, Head of section in the Service of Transparency and Open Government.

On behalf of the UPV attended Mª Dolores Salvador, Vice Rector of Employment and Lifelong Learning, Eloina Coll, Director of the Chair, Ángel Marqués Mateu, Director of the School of Geodesy, Cartographic and Topographic Engineering and Malak Kubessi, Director of the Area of Chairs of Enterprise and Employment.