Our photography exhibition is back again, to highlight the value of women in the world of Geomatics and Topography. In collaboration with the Territorial Delegation of the Valencian Community and Region of Murcia of the Illustrious Official College of Geomatics and Topographic Engineering. (COIGT CVyRM).
If you have a good photo, in which a woman uses Geomatics, send it, you can win one of our exclusive gifts and see it in the exhibition that we will make at the ETSIGCT of the UPV.

Photography exhibition “Women and Geomatics”.
Organizers: Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Geodésica, Cartográfica y Topográfica (ETSIGCT) and Territorial Delegation of the Valencian Community and Region of Murcia of the Illustrious Official College of Geomatics and Topographic Engineering (COIGT CVyRM).
1ST PARTICIPANTS:Any person over 14 years of age and resident in Spain may participate.
2ND THEME:The main theme will be “Women and Geomatics” in all its fields.
3RD WORKS:Each participant may submit a single workwhich must be original and unpublished.
The participants are fully responsible for the sole authorship of the work, for the absence of third party rights, as well as for any claim for image rights on the works submitted to the contest.
Photographs may not be altered electronically or by any other means. Photomontages will not be accepted. Minimal color and luminosity corrections will be allowed.
4TH PRESENTATION:The works must have a minimum format of 18x25cm and a maximum of 25x36cm, they will be delivered in digital format, by means of an e-mail with the attached file, or its corresponding download link, to the address:geomatica@upv.es.
The subject of the e-mail should be “Women and Geomatics”. The body of the e-mail should include the full name of the person submitting the work, the e-mail address and the title of the work.
The file containing the photograph shall be in JPEG, PNG, or TIFF format, at a resolution of 300 dpi, and in RGB, with the file name being the same as the title of the work.
5TH DEADLINE FOR ADMISSION:The deadline for submitting works will be open from February 19 to March 2, 2025. Works submitted after this date will not be accepted.
6TH EXHIBITION:On March 3, 2025 will begin the exhibition of the works received that meet the requirements set out in these rules, on the website of the ETSIGCT http://geomaticaupv.webs.upv.es/, with the consequent dissemination in social networks of the ETSIGCT and COIGT CVyRM.
On March 3, the exhibition of the 20 best works will be inaugurated at the ETSIGCT.
7TH THE JURY:The3 March, voting will begin and will continue until the end of the year. March. Voting will take place on the Instagram profile of @GeomaticaUPV, through “Likes”.
8TH RECOGNITION:The 5 most voted photos on Instagram will receive an exclusive gift. The gifts will be delivered on March during the traditional “Xocolatà”, which will take place at ETSIGCT at 12:00h.
9ª COPYRIGHT:The intellectual property and authorship of the works will always belong to the author, who grants the ETSIGCT and COIGT CVyRM the rights of use for dissemination of their studies.
10TH ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS:Participation in this contest implies full acceptance of each and every one of these rules and the unappealable decision of the jury.
11TH EXCLUSION:All works that do not meet the requirements set forth in these rules will be excluded.