The Building

The I.T.S.I.G.C.T. building is located inside the Polytechnic University of Valencia and was inaugurated in December 2004. It is intended to house the new Faculty of Business Administration and Management and the new School of Geodesy, Cartography and Surveying Engineering.

It is located in the north-east area of the UPV campus, building 7I, bordered on the north by Enginyer Fausto Elio street, on the east by the new EMT and tramway buses, on the south by the Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria del Disseny (former seat of the I.T.S.I.G.C.T.) and on the west by the Departmental Buildings.

The E.T.S.I.G.C.T. building is located within the grounds of the Polytechnic University of Valencia and was inaugurated in December 2004. It is intended to house the new Faculty of Business Administration and Management and the new School of Geodesy, Cartographic and Topographic Engineering.
It is located in the northeast area of the UPV campus, building 7I, bordering on the north with Ingeniero Fausto Elio Street, on the east with the new EMT depot and the tramway, on the south with the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño (former headquarters of the E.T.S.I.G.C.T.) and on the west with the Departmental Buildings.