PAS program:

– Erasmus Staff Training:

Includes the mobility of staff from one higher education institution to another partner higher education institution.

This action, which falls within the broad objective of personnel training, encompasses the mobility of personnel from one higher education institution to another partner higher education institution.

The objective is to enable the beneficiaries to learn from the experiences and good practices of the partner institution and to improve the skills required for their current job. The main activity is a short stay in the partner institution which can be called in various ways: short secondments, observation of professionals, study visits, etc.

Staff of higher education institutions in possession of an Erasmus University Charter may participate.

A work plan accepted by the home and host institution or by the company must be submitted for the purpose of the grant. The plan must include at least: the overall objective and specific objectives, the expected results of the training or learning activities and a schedule of the training period.

– Web OPII – Information for Administration and Services
For more information, please contact the ETSINF International Relations Office.


Services for teachers and researchers:

  • Erasmus STA: Socrates-Erasmus short stays to teach at European universities for one or two weeks.
  • APICID: UPV’s own program to offer grants for International Cooperation and Teacher Exchange Programs.

More information
For more information, please visit the web www.opii.upv.esor with the International Relations Office ETSINF.