Why study at ETSINF?
Because it is the pioneering center in the teaching of computer science in the Valencian Community. With a long tradition of teaching and research, since 1982 it has trained nearly 10,000 graduates.
Because it is recognized as one of Spain’s top-ranked computer science schools in the world.prestige in its six specialties.
Because we offer comprehensive training in key areas such asData Science,Industrial Computing,Cybersecurity,Computer Engineeringas well as in leadership and management applied to these disciplines.
Because our programs are designed to prepare students with up-to-date skills and knowledge,adaptedto the demands of the labor market and technological advances.
Because by studying with us, you become a professional.versatilecapable of addressing the challenges of the digital future.
Because its infrastructures and equipment arelast generation.
Because its teaching offer istrilingualin Spanish, Valencian or English.
Because it has a wide networkingwith universities and leading companies in the sector.
Because it has mobility agreementsin international exchange programs that allow double degrees to be obtained.
Because it has a high rate of employability among its titulad@s.
Intense digital, cultural and social life
The ETSINF offers a wide variety of training, cultural and professional promotion activities that contribute to the comprehensive training of its students and their integration into the labor market.
In addition, as a student of the ETSINF you can also benefit from the wide range of cultural and sporting activities offered by the UPV.

Cultural week – festinfor
The cultural week of the School of Computer Engineering (ETSINF) is an event that is held annually. But how about bringing all the events together under one brand and opening them up to society as a whole? That is the mission of festinFor, a festival in which culture and technology come together to see what the symbiotic relationship between the two fields is like today. A week full of conferences with top-level speakers and activities that promote scientific and cultural dissemination and that, each year, focuses on different disciplines.
In previous editions we have gathered more than 2,000 people in more than 10 events.

Graduation ceremony
Every year the graduation ceremony of the degrees of the Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria Informàtica (ETSINF) is organized by the ETSINF student delegation with the support of the School. Every year, this emotional event is attended by our students’ families, the heads of companies that actively participate in the life of the school, as well as the heads of institutions, the faculty and the School’s management team.

Complementary training
Both online and in person throughout the academic year, a multitude of conferences, lectures and meetings are held …. to complement the training of our graduates.

Permanent exhibitions
The Computer Museum of the Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria Informàtica of the Universitat Politècnica de València offers you a journey through the last decades of the history of Computer Science. The museum is inauguratedofficially on December 11, 2001and has been increasing its funds thanks to donationsfrom private individuals and various public and private institutions.