Balance of Retrópolis 2024

RetróPolis Valencia is definitely established as one of the retrocomputing events of reference of the national scene after exceeding again its maximum attendance of public and food collected for the Food Bank of Valencia, reached the previous year. Specifically, we had more than 1,300 retropolistas who came to enjoy the 7th edition of this event, held last Saturday, April 27, whose solidarity was amply demonstrated by the donation of up to a total of 703 kg of non-perishable food.

The great novelty of this edition, the opening of the Building 1Gin what from now on will be known in the world as “…”.The Temple“It was a space with high ceilings, completely diaphanous, with plenty of space and divided into two floors connected by a staircase that invited a panoramic view of the Hall that reflected the excellent atmosphere of RetróPolis Valencia VII. In this place was, on the one hand, the active reception of all visitors, who were presented with a braceletOn the other hand, the exhibitors’ stands, semantically distributed on one floor or another according to their nature, whose location abandoned for the first time the traditional teaching rooms to form round squares on two floors of the building. The rest of the contents of #RPV24 remained physically separate, in the other building, barely 50 meters away, with the  temporary exhibition on Japan, the Giant of Video Gamesthe deployment of the playground, in charge of the people from  RetroPlayofficial tournaments (rSports) and of the special Tetris tournament for its 40th anniversary, carried out by the team of  RetroHeadThe program included up to five conferences held in the Assembly Hall of the  School of Computer EngineeringThe live streamed broadcasts, with an extraordinary quality and available, practically in 24 hours, to be able to  watch them on deferred.

Everyone agrees, RetróPolis Valencia has grown, little by little, with sobriety, with maturity, spreading its good vibes and know-how,

with an even more complete program of contents, and in which everyone was very enthusiastic, including ETSInf herself and her  Computer MuseumIn addition to last year’s traditional guided tour and workshops, this year’s novelty was the Retrocomputing Workshop, which was enjoyed by parents and children who learned the BASIC language.

At the end of the day,   awards were presentedcorresponding to the  II Edition of the RetroPaella Awardsthe videogame development contest for 8 and 16 bit platforms that has been consolidated in this year’s edition. In short, a great day to remember, with an unprecedented impact in terms of broadcasting the event in media such as radio ( Onda Cero Valencia and  Radio Esport) or television, with live prime time coverage on the news program of the regional television of the Valencian Community, À Punt, which covered the event in its program “Notícies Migdia”.

RetróPolis Valencia 2024 is already history, we look forward to seeing you next year at #RPV25!