ETSINF is consolidated as a reference center in the Valencian Community for offering bachelor’s degrees in the field of computer engineering.
The dual degree in Computer Engineering and Mathematics offered at the Universitat Politècnica de València is once again the bachelor’s degree with the highest entry grade of the entire Valencian Community with a score of 13.620.
Additionally, other bachelor’s degrees from the Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria Informàtica (ETSINF UPV) have achieved very high entry grades, as is the case of Dual Degree in Data Science and Industrial Organization Engineering (13,370), the Dual Degree in Business Administration and Management and Computer Engineering (12,149), the Bachelor’s Degree in Data Science (11,881), PARS in Computer Engineering (11,604), Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Informatics and Robotics (10,573) or the Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering (10,528).
The entry grades for the Dual Degree in Computer Engineering and Mathematics and the Dual Degree in Computer Science and Mathematics remain unchanged, while the grades for the PARS Degree and Master’s in Computer Engineering, Degree in Data Science, Degree in Computer Engineering, and the Dual Degrees in Business Administration and Computer Engineering, and Data Science and Industrial Organisation have increased.
Regarding applications, there has also been a high demand, leaving 905 students on the waiting list for Computer Engineering, 602 for the PARS in Computer Engineering, 464 for Data Science, 342 for Industrial and Robotics Engineering, 282 for the dual degree in Computer Science and Mathematics, 240 for Computer Engineering and Business Administration, and 204 for Data Science and Industrial Organisation Engineering.
This remarkable interest reflects the high demand and prestige of the degrees offered at ETSINF UPV, consolidating it as a benchmark in the training of professionals in the field of computer engineering and related disciplines. Computer engineering and studies such as data science, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity or robotics are at a pivotal moment, with a growing demand in the job market due to the digitalisation and technological transformation of all industrial sectors. This trend guarantees a promising future for graduates of these programs, emphasising the importance of quality education in this area.
You can expand the details regarding the data of entry grades in Valencian public universities here.
You can enlarge information about the entry grades marks in the upv here