Campaign to collect used cell phones – Aid to victims of the DANA

In the spirit of solidarity that moves this university community, we launched a campaign to collect cell phones, those that you no longer use and have in a drawer, for reconditioning, data cleaning and distribution to those in need.

How can you help?

1. Bringing your old device. Indicate (with a label, for example) if your phone is not unlocked (it is associated with a carrier) and if so, indicate which one. Please bring the charger. It is much better if you have previously deleted your personal data from the device. In case you have not been able to delete the information contained in the device, the university will proceed to delete and reset it, in order to remove any personal information or any other information that may exist in the device and avoid any exfiltration of personal data that may exist in the device. The university is not responsible for the loss of any information that may be contained in the device at the time of delivery.

2.         As a volunteer in sorting, data cleansing and/or distribution of terminals.

There are drop-off points at the second floor desk of the General Library building and at the concierge desk of building 1G of the ETSINF (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática).

To become a volunteer send an email to