
External internships

Who we are. Internship Unit

The Work Placement Unit of the ETSINF depends organically on the School and functionally on the Integrated Employment Service (SIE) under the Vice-rectorate for Employment and Lifelong Learning;

The SIE is the body that promotes and manages employability initiatives to improve the employability of students and graduates of the UPV. Within this body is the Work Placement Section, which has the support and participation of the Work Placement Units (UPE) in each center;

From the UPE, we provide support and advice to companies for the publication of internship offers and their formalization. And, to the students, to improve their employability and find a company where to do the internship and regarding their academic repercussion;

What is an internship in a company. External internships

  • Internships in companies or external academic internships are a training activity carried out by university students and supervised by the Universities;
  • The objective is to allow the application and complement the knowledge acquired during academic training, favoring the acquisition of skills for the exercise of professional activities, facilitate employability and promote entrepreneurship;
  • They can be developed, both at national and international level, in:  
    • Companies  
    • Public institutions  
    • Foundations and non-profit associations;
    • Entities of our university (departments, services, institutes, etc.);

Types of internships and how they are contemplated in the Syllabus

They can be: 

  • Curricular:Recognition in the Electives module (if the degree includes electives).
  • Extracurricular:Mention in the Academic Record

As for its realization: 

  • On-site
  • Online 
  • Mixed

Utilities and benefits of internships

  • Acquisition of pre-work experience
  • Acquisition of experience in selection processes.
  • Facilitates entry into the labor market
  • Practical application of acquired knowledge
  • Promotes entrepreneurship
  • Provides a network of professional contacts
  • Financial aid for study, provided by the company.


  • Be enrolled in the current academic year and during the entire internship period.
  • Not being a graduate, nor fulfilling the conditions to be one, that is to say, not having already passed 100% of the credits of the degree.
  • In the case of curricular internships, the student must be enrolled for the credits to be recognized:

Enrollment and/or cancellation of external internships. Enrollment adjustments

The curricular internships are formalized by enrolling in the “subject” External Internships.

The following possibilities can be considered:

Internship Enrollment

Enrollment is open throughout the entire academic year and is formalized by sending a Polyconsultation to the school’s Secretary’s Office, in the ENROLLMENT Group, Type ENROLMENT MODIFICATION and specifying that you wish to enroll for the credits that appear in the agreement that you have signed and sent to the Internship Unit (

Withdrawal of Internships

The request for cancellation of credits for External Internships is made through the Intranet atVirtual secretary’s office>Applications>Application for deregistration>Partial deregistration>Other type of deregistration.

Tuition adjustments
  • Withdrawal of Internships and registration of elective courses
  • Cancellation of elective courses and registration of External Internships

Both settings are made through the Intranet atSecretariatvirtual>Requests>Application for deregistration>Partial deregistration>Adjustment of external practices.

Credits and internship hours for each degree

QualificationCurricular credits = hoursExtracurricular hours
Degree in Computer EngineeringMax. 18 ECTS = 450 hours  Max. 1800
Degree in Data ScienceMax. 18 ECTS = 450 hours  Max. 1800
Degree in Industrial Computing and RoboticsMax. 18 ECTS = 450 hours  Max. 1800
Double Degree in Data Science and Industrial Organization EngineeringN/A for not having electivityMax. 1800
Double degree in Computer Engineering and MathematicsN/A for not having electivityMax. 1800
Dual degree in Computer Engineering and Business Administration and ManagementN/A for not having electivityMax. 1800
Master’s Degree in Computer EngineeringMax. 15 ECTS = 375 hours   Max. 1200
Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity and CyberintelligenceMax. 12 ECTS = 300 hours  Max. 900
Master’s Degree in Digital HumanitiesMax. 4,5 ECTS = 112,5 hours  Max. 600

My credits and available hours

To see the credits you have available for internships:

  1. Register in the SIE curriculum database. Here.
  2. Go to “Calculate your practice”. Here.

You will see your profile information for internship purposes. Example:

The display shows:

  • the hours and credits allowed in your degree program
  • the hours and credits already consumed and those available.


Internship period.

From September 1 to August 31 of the following year.

As a maximum, as long as the student has not graduated before, external internships may be performed until August 31. At the time the requirements for graduation are met (submit the TFG/TFM and have all the credits evaluated), the conditions for external internships are no longer met and the agreement must be terminated.

Delivery of documentation

10 days prior to the start date (minimum).

By e-mail to

In the case of internships abroad, 30 days in advance. Please consult the Internship Unit.

Special periods. Christmas, Fallas and Easter

Check with the Internship Unit when the agreements are due with a start date during, and one week after, these periods.

Summer vacations

The month of August is considered non-business day for the processing of internship documentation, so that an internship whose start date is within the following month is considered non-business day.between July 26 and September 10The deadline for submitting documentation is July 16.

Recommendations and considerations

1. Carefully read the terms and conditions reflected in the educational cooperation agreement before signing it.

2. Agree with the company on the following terms:

  • Schedule
  • Start and end dates
  • Daily/weekly dedication
  • Tasks to be performed
  • Economic exchange

3.Only start the internship if the student has confirmed that the agreement has arrived in due time and form to the ETSINF Internship Unit..

4. Consult any issue related to the internship with the tutors or with the Internship Unit at the time it arises.

5. The company must facilitate the attendance to exams, or specific academic activities of obligatory compliance, although the student’s commitment is to inform the company of these specific circumstances with sufficient time in advance and to carry out the number of hours of practice that appear in the formalized documentation and between the dates that appear therein, and to negotiate with the company.the recovery of these hours.

6. Recommended weekly limit:

  • 20 hours per week during school term
  • 40 during non-teaching periods.


Company search

First, register in the SIE curriculum database. Here.

You have the following ways to find a company:

  • Through the DIRE web portal:

In “ACCESS TO INTERNSHIP OFFERS” you can consult and register in the internship offers of your center and degree:

  • Through the MiUPV mobile app:

From the Integrated Employment Service section, you will have access to the employment and internship portal – DIRE.

  • Self-candidacy:

You can look for a company on your own without the need for them to be in the internship portal. There are many companies that would like to collaborate with the UPV.

Formalization of the practice

1. Student and company agree on basic conditions for the realization of the internship:

  • Schedule
  • Start and end dates
  • Daily/weekly dedication
  • Economic exchange

2. Student seeks UPV tutor who will grade the internship:

  • With previous agreement, any professor of the ETSINF may act as an internship tutor.
  • There is also a list of teachers from the School who have offered to tutor internships in companies, which can be accessed from the tool “calculate your internship” at the following link: (With the authenticated student button) 
  • In either case, it is recommended that the tutor be contacted for approval.

Generate theeducational cooperation agreement in ” Calculate your practice“. It consists of an application in which you only have to fill in the agreed data and other conditions of the practice. Manual.

4. The agreement must be signed ELECTRONICALLY (by electronic certificate) by all participants:

  • Company representative
  • Company tutor
  • UPV Tutor
  • Student

5. Sending the agreement to upe_inf@etsinf.upv.esindicating in the subject line:“New Agreement – Start date DD/MM/YYYYYY”.. Likeminimum 10 calendar days before the start of the internship (*)

6. If the internship is curricular, the student must already be enrolled or enroll immediately for credits. Instructions at Enrollment in External Practices (PE) in Requirements section.

7. Social Security registration by the company from the beginning to the end of the internship.

Once the agreement has been processed, both the company and the student will receive a copy signed by the Vice Rector for Employment and Lifelong Learning.


  • Internships must be remunerated: minimum bag 4,60€/hour.
  • They can be carried out in person or at a distance. If they are distance learning, in the section of the agreement “Place where the internship is to be carried out”, “DISTANCE MODALITY” must be indicated.
  • The Internship Unit must receive the signed agreement electronically at least 10 days prior to the start date.

Watch out for the “As soon as possible” button next to the start date that appears in “Calculate your internship”.

If you click on this button you must deliver the agreement already compiled and signed by the tutors, the company representative and the student THAT SAME DAY. It usually takes more than one day to have the agreement compiled and signed.

(*) In the case of internships abroad, the documentation must be sent 30 days before the start date. In addition, private insurance must be taken out. See this link. Consultation to the Internship Unit – ETSINF.

In order to carry out the TFG/TFM during the internship, the UPV tutor of the internship agreement must coincide with the UPV tutor that appears in the formalization of approval of the TFG/TFM degree.

Completion and Evaluation of the internship

At the end of the internship, both the student and the company tutor receive an e-mail announcing that they must complete the Evaluation Reports (by filling in a questionnaire).

Once completed, the UPV Tutor will evaluate the internship:

  • If it is Curricular, you will receive a numerical grade in Externships.
  • If it is extracurricular, the evaluation will be
    • Pass: which will appear on the transcript in the section “Complementary Information” and mention in the European Diploma Supplement.
    • Not Suitable

It is recommended to upload reportsimmediately upon completion of the internship, even if it has been terminated or if a continuation of a first internship is being carried out. All agreements must be evaluated.

In addition to the notification e-mail, the student and UPV tutor can access the evaluation tool through the UPV intranet in the panel Services > Integrated Employment Service > Evaluation Internships in Companies.

Proof of internship

Once an internship has been completed and evaluated, all parties can obtain proof of participation in the internship program. Click here.

Expansion. Modification. Cancellation/Rescission.

Extension or prolongation of internships already started.

If the company and student are interested in extending the internship, a new internship agreement must be submitted.

If organized in time, it can be made consecutive to the first agreement.

Modification of an ongoing agreement

Once an agreement has been initiated, the following initial conditions can be modified:

  • Total hours (provided they have not elapsed).
  • Economic exchange
  • Mentors. A co-tutor may be substituted or added.
  • Training project

The start and end date of the internship cannot be changed. For these changes, the current agreement must be cancelled and a new one must be arranged.

The  modificationThe completed and signed form with the electronic signature of all participants shall be sent by e-mail to the Internship Unit (, at least10 days before the modification to be made. Modification document here.

Termination or cancellation of an agreement

Occasionally, internships must be terminated for good cause.

In this case, you must send the termination documentcompleted and signed with the electronic signature of all participants to the Internship Unit ( Termination Document here.

It is recommended to send it within 7 calendar days.

Specific information by degree

Degree in Computer Engineering


  • Have everything 1st approved.
  • Max. 450 hours (18 ECTS).
  • These credits are part of the Complementary Training Subject of the Electives Module.


  • Have exceeded at least 50%.of the credits of the degree.
  • Max. 1800 hours.

Degree in Data Science


  • Have everything 1st approved.
  • Max. 450 hours (18 ECTS).
  • These credits are part of the Complementary Training Subject of the Electives Module.


  • Have exceeded at least 50%.of the credits of the degree.
  • Max. 1800 hours.

Degree in Industrial Informatics and Robotics

It is recommended to perform the internship in a company in fourth courseto avoid as much as possible the temporary overlapping with compulsory subjects and, therefore, the problems to be able to take them simultaneously. Contact the Internship Unit or the Academic Director of the Degree for more information.


  • Have everything 1st approved.
  • Max. 450 hours (18 ECTS).
  • These credits are part of the Complementary Training Subject of the Electives Module.


  • Have exceeded at least 50%.of the credits of the degree.
  • Max. 1800 hours.

Double Degree in Computer Engineering and Business Administration

Curricular:DO NOT EXISTSince this program is not an elective program.


  • Have exceeded at least 50%.of the credits of the degree.
  • Max. 1800 hours.

In this degree, due to its special characteristics, it is recommended to be taken either in summer (from 3rd year onwards) or in the last semester of the last year.

Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering

Curricular Practices:They are part of the elective. Max. 15 ECTS = 375 hours, within the “Professional Development” Module.

Extracurricular Internships: Max. according to UPV regulations: 1200 hours.

Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity and Cyberintelligence

Curricular Practices: They are part of the electives. Max. 12 ECTS = 300 hours. Within the “Professional Development” Module

Extracurricular Internships: Max. according to UPV regulations: 900 hours.

Master’s Degree in Digital Humanities

Curricular Practices: They are part of the electives. Max. 4.5 ECTS = 112.5 hours. Within the subject: “Digital Transformation of Heritage”.

Extracurricular Internships: Max. according to UPV regulations: 600 hours.

Other programs and services


Internships Abroad (WITH AID)

  • Erasmus+ internships. Stays of a minimum of 2 months. They must be applied for as a student, although the stay can also be done as a graduate (within the calendar year following the date of graduation). See call for applications in AIRE application through the intranet.
  • Vulcanus (EU-Japan)
  • Company programs(summer jobs/internships, offered by the companies themselves, see ETSINF Business Relations Blog:


Other services

Other activities

  • Dissemination by direct mailing to ETSINF students and through ETSINF profiles (web, social networks, Business Relations blog).

Information on External Internships ETSInf