The “espai.inf” room of the ETSINF hosts the exhibition “the voice of my silences” by the Valencian artist Vicente Marzal.

The espai.inf room (hall of building 1E) of the Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria Informàtica of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)  hosts until next October 29th the art exhibition “The voice of my silences“by the Valencian painter and sculptor  Vicente Marzal.

The author has a functional diversity of auditory character. That is why in his representations he uses as a metaphor and source of inspiration the zebra crossing (white lines in front of a black asphalt) over some explosions of colors where he represents, in different figures, the voice and its sounds. The author explains this idea as follows: That’s how I understand it, and that’s my world. A world divided into two opposing columns under which to group all concepts: white, silence, light; black, sound and shadow..

Marzal, on some occasions, has told a personal experience of his own about the moment in which he found the symbolism of the zebra crossing as a salvation, an artifact and space of protection for his way of contemplating the world. “One day I was walking distracted and was about to cross a red light. The cars beeped but I couldn’t hear it. Then my mother stopped me with her hand. At that moment I saw before me a crosswalka series of white stripes on black backgroundfrom the asphalt. And I understood thatthat contrast protected me.” The author asserts that this symbolism is “a way to find the place that belongs to me in the world through what differentiates me from that world.” “That search is what I capture in my works. I find in my disability a filter through which to see and understand life..”

The main protagonist of the exhibition is the frog. This animal is, for the artist, a representation of the voice. Marzal defines this symbol as My guardian of sound, fearless, audacious, mysterious, caring for sound, crouching watchful of every color.”. Vicente Marzal has managed to find in his hearing impairment an inspiration, a muse in which to reflect and represent what life is for him. A method of overcoming and coexistence that eliminates limits and barriers in the world of art;

About the exhibition:

In Marzal’s work there are some references that address his works. The color black, very present in his works, represents sound, noise and shadow. While, in opposition, the color white refers to silence and light. He defines this chromatic duality as follows: “For me, who was born deaf, there is no gray scale possible: there is sound or there isn’t. Things are black or white. Things are either black or white. So simple. And so complex.

The author also integrates other colors that serve as an image of emotions, while contextualizing the sense of noise. Reds intervene, as a motif of nervousness, and greens, representing joy. Both coincide in being the colors common to traffic lights;

An exhibition full of sensitivity, art and self-improvement.

The past September 28th at 12:30hWe celebrated its official inauguration and shared art and moments with Vicente Marzal.