Paellas Ada Byron 2024

On Friday May 10 we celebrated the Ada Byron Paellas in the area provided by the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia. A total of 675 people joined the celebration, including approximately 550 students, 40 members of the delegation and guests and 80 people between technical staff of management and administration services (PTGAS) and teaching and research staff (PDI).

It is a pride to have students like you and the civility present throughout the day that was compatible with fun and good food 🙂

We appreciate the visit of the Rector of the Universitat Politècnica de València, José Capilla who came to see in situ how they were developing. Also to all the management team of the Alcoi Campus who joined the initiative and surprised us pleasantly  with typical gastronomy to accompany the paellas.

It has been a great pleasure that we will repeat next year with at least the same enthusiasm. Thanks to the student delegation, to all the participants, to the ETSINF team and to the assistant director of students and faculty, Eliseo Jorge Marzal, who managed the whole event.

We include here a gallery with some images of the day.