Isabel Ferri, a computer engineer from the UPV, wins the national SCIE-ZONTA-SNGULAR award

The Sociedad Científica Informática de España (SCIE) recognizes in this contest the contribution of women pursuing doctoral studies in the field of computer science to serve as references.
Her future doctoral thesis focuses on the use of AI and augmented reality technologies to improve the independence and quality of life of dependent people.

UPV researcher Isabel Ferri also receives a special mention in Science and Medicine in the Open Awards 2024.

Isabel Ferri Mollá, a graduate in Computer Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), who will carry out her future doctoral thesis in the VertexLit research group of the Valencian University Institute for Research in Artificial Intelligence (VRAIN) of the UPV, has won the national award of the Scientific Computer Society of Spain SCIE-ZONTA-SNGULAR.
This award, from among more than 32 candidates and to be collected on June 19 in A Coruña, has the objectives of recognizing the contribution of women pursuing doctoral studies in the area of computer science, to encourage the start of their research career and create references for new generations, as well as to reduce the gender gap.
This award seeks to highlight the need to attract female talent to research in the field of computer science in Spain.

Isabel Ferri, who already won the prize for the best Master’s Thesis in Artificial Intelligence of the Generalitat Valenciana, awarded by the ValgrAI foundation, will develop her future doctoral thesis, under the title “Multimodal interaction and semantic augmented reality through deep learning in assisted systems for dependent people”. This focuses on the use of Artificial Intelligence and augmented reality technologies to improve the independence and quality of life of people at home.
Specifically, its objective is to improve the autonomy of people with some kind of dependence, either due to age or disease, in the early stages of cognitive loss. To achieve this goal, neural network architectures and augmented reality techniques are used and adapted to develop a system that allows multiple forms of interaction, such as text or voice.
The system will assist users in performing everyday tasks, using information obtained by the user’s own interaction and information from their environment, displaying the output information complemented by augmented reality.
Promoting women’s participation in computer science
The jury has valued her academic facet and her participation in campaigns to promote the participation of women in computer science, such as events related to Women’s Day at her institute, organized by VRAIN of the UPV on the occasion of the Day of Women and Girls in Science.
As Isabel Ferri, researcher at the VRAIN institute of the UPV, explains “receiving this award has been an honor, I feel a great joy and pride. This recognition of my effort and work motivates me to continue my research work with more enthusiasm. And she emphasizes that “it is very exciting to be able to give visibility to the work of women in the field of computer science. In my case, I discovered the world of computer science towards the end of my adolescence, but when I finally opted for it, I was enthusiastic about it”.

After her recognition Isabel has been interviewed by numerous media, we leave here the links to some of the published contents:

Interview in Cadena SER A vivir Comunitat Valenciana (23-06-2024)(min 16.40):

UPV Special Mention in Science and Medicine in the Open Awards 2024:

Levante EMV: UPV researcher Isabel Ferri receives a special mention at the Open Awards

El Español: Isabel Ferri (SCIE Award) “I discovered computer science in high school and I was passionate about it; it improves people’s lives”.

Europa Press: Valencian engineer Isabel Ferri, awarded by the Computer Science Society of Spain

A Punt Value Chain Interview:


The Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (VRAIN) of the UPV is composed of eight research groups with more than 30 years of experience in different lines of research in AI. The creation of VRAIN dates back to 2019, the result of the union of six research groups. In 2020, it merged with the Research Center in Software Production Methods PROS and in 2021 it was finally constituted as a University Research Institute with the approval of the Generalitat Valenciana. Currently, it has more than 178 researchers divided into nine research areas. These nine areas on which its research activity revolves mean that its developments are applied to a large number of strategic sectors such as health, mobility, earth sciences, smart cities, education, social networks, agriculture, industry, privacy/security, autonomous robots, services and energy, and environmental sustainability among others. These activities have been funded by more than 135 projects obtained through competitive funding, mainly from the European Union, but also from the National Research Plan, the Valencian Research Plan and Technology Transfer Projects.

Source: UPV and various media