Solidarity collection of technological devices for those affected by DANA

Following the devastation caused by the DANA last November, the UPV, together with the ETSINF, launched a solidarity campaign to collect mobile devices and computer equipment to support affected individuals and small businesses. To date, the initiative has enabled the reconditioning and distribution of numerous devices, contributing to the recovery of the affected people and small businesses..

Last November, the DANA left behind serious material and economic losses in nearly 80 municipalities in the province of Valencia. As a solidarity response, thePolytechnic University of Valencia (UPV)through theHigher Technical School of Computer Engineering (ETSINF)launched a campaign to collect technological devices. The main objective was to refurbish cell phones, laptops and other equipment to be given to people and businesses that, in many cases, lost all their work tools.

Results obtained

Thanks to the solidarity of students, teaching and administrative staff, and collaborating companies, so far the following have been receivedabout a hundred devices. Institutions such asDS Smith have stood out for their donations, including batches of computer equipment that have been instrumental in supporting small businesses in their recovery.

The refurbishment process has been carried out jointly by volunteers from the university community, who have dedicated their time to classify, clean data and prepare the devices for delivery. In the facilities of the ETSINF and the Department of Business Organization (DOE), tasks such as rebooting devices to remove personal data and technical tuning of the donated equipment have been carried out.

Distribution of devices

As we have been informed by Professor Juan V. Oltra, who is managing the donations, so far, the campaign has managed to distribute most of the refurbished devices. The town ofBenetússer has been the main beneficiary, with deliveries to both individuals and small businesses whose facilities were destroyed. Aid has also been extended to other nearby municipalities such asCatarroja,Paiporta yAlgemesí.

Among the images that accompany this news item, you can see moments of the delivery of laptops to some of those affected. This equipment, essential for the daily life of many recipients, has allowed them to resume their work and educational activities, and has been received with great gratitude.

Next steps

Although initial donations have declined, the demand for devices continues to grow. For this reason, ETSINF is making acall for companies that can collaborate by donating computer equipment by renovating their technology parks. The campaign coordinator stresses that “the struggle with the consequences of the DANA continues” and that any help is essential to meet the requests of those who still need support.

How to collaborate?

If you have an unused mobile device or computer equipment, there is still time to join this campaign. The collection points set up at the UPV include:

  • General Librarysecond floor counter.
  • Building 1G ConciergeETSINF.
  • Spontaneous Generation ZoneCasa del Alumno.
  • Benetússer City Councilwhich also collects requests for assistance.

You can also participate as a volunteer in the classification and distribution tasks by sending an email to:

The solidarity of our community continues to make a difference in difficult times.