Access and admission
The Access Unit carries out the administrative management related to the coordination with the Secondary Education Centers regarding access to the University, management of the Evaluation Tests for University Access, the specific tests for those over 25 and 45 years old, access through accreditation of work or professional experience for those over 40 years old, and pre-registration prior to admission to the UPV’s undergraduate degrees.
Weightings for university access for students from PAU and CFGS
Coordination Meetings of Specialist Teachers with Centers – November 2023
Grade Simulator for Access to studies at the Universitat Politècnica de València
Access Unit Camino de Vera, s/n 46022 Tel.:(+34) 963877401 Fax:(+34) 963877904
university master’s degree course 2024/2025
LINK to PRE-ENROLLMENT in master’s degree programs
HELP MANUALS for pre-enrolment
For applicants providing UPV access STUDIES
For applicants who provide SPANISH OR FOREIGN EHEA (European Higher Education Area) access STUDIES.
For applicants providing FOREIGN ACCESS STUDIES OUTSIDE the EHEA (European Higher Education Area)
Webinar: informative session on UPV University Master’s Degrees.
PHASES and DEADLINES for pre-registration and admission
INFORMATION DOCUMENT on the pre-registration process 2024/25
University master’s degrees with MANDATORY LANGUAGE REQUIREMENT in admission
Pre-registration and Admissions CALENDAR – Academic Year 2024/2025
Access and Admission REGULATIONS
Websites and e-mails of the entities responsible for the master’s degree programs
Instructions for CALCULATING THE EQUIVALENCE OF THE AVERAGE SCORE of degrees obtained abroad
LINKS OF INTEREST for pre-registration
LINK to PRE-ENROLLMENT in master’s degree programs
LINK to the RESULTS of the pre-registration (via IDENTIFIER)
Difference between homologation and legalization
Official translation of documentation into Spanish
Validity of documents and sworn translations
List of sworn translators/interpreters appointed by the competent Ministry
Continuing Studies
For students with partial official Spanish university studies or partial or total foreign university studies. A minimum of 30 recognized ECTS credits are required and at least 25% of the credits (excluding the TFG) in the requested degree must be pending to be completed. The application consists of two distinct parts:
1. Application for admission:The personal data and the qualification provided are indicated. Its completion allows access to the following section.
2. Recognition of credits:For each subject of the target degree that the student considers approved, will be detailed the subject/s of the degree provided that have a total or partial syllabus. To do this, the student should consult the teaching guides of the target degree on the website of the ETSINF and compare the syllabus indicated with those passed by the student in the degree provided.
It is a mandatory requirement that the interested person providing documentation submit a affidavit of responsibility on the veracity of the merits of the alleged merits
A.- If the studies carried out are of a pre-university nature and have been passed in their entirety.
1º.- Those interested must request from the Spanish Ministry of Education the homologation of the Spanish Baccalaureate.
The information corresponding to this procedure can be found at the following Internet address:
2º.- To take the University Entrance Exams, which are organized by the National University of Distance Education (UNED), information on registration and structure of these tests can be found at:
UNED – University Entrance Exams
To obtain more information about the pre-enrollment process visit this website in the access section.
B.- If you have completed university studies but have not yet finished them and wish to finish them in Spain.
This possibility requires admission to the Spanish studies you wish to pursue and they must follow the procedure indicated below, published in the ROYAL DECREE 412/2014, of June 6 – artº 30 (BOE 07/06/2014):
1. Applications for places from students with partial or total foreign university studies who have not obtained the homologation of their degree in Spain will be resolved by the Rector of the University, in accordance with the following rules:
Applications for places from students with foreign university studies for which a minimum of 30 credits are validated will be decided by the Rector of the University, who will act in accordance with the criteria established by the Governing Council, which, in any case, will take into account the university record.
More information on UPV’s own regulations:
Admission regulations – recognition of credits
C.- If the studies carried out are at university level and have been completed.
Those interested with a foreign degree may choose between these two options, taking into account that both possibilities cannot be applied for simultaneously:
– Request homologation for an official Spanish university degree (managed by the Ministry of Education).
– Apply for admission to official Spanish studies, obtaining recognition of the foreign studies taken, as a minimum requirement must obtain 30 credits (procedure section B).
If once the homologation of the foreign degree has been requested and denied by the Ministry of Education, it is possible to apply for admission to official Spanish studies, subject to the recognition of a minimum of 30 credits.
For more information, please consult:
Admission-Recognition of Credits Policy
D.- If you wish to study as a visiting student.
A visiting student is considered to be a student who, with the corresponding authorization, receives teaching at a Center of the same, without this implying academic recognition of the studies previously completed, or those carried out at this university. This consideration has the same rules for both national and foreign students. For further information, please consult:
E.- Access to Third Cycle studies.
Consult the Doctoral School for more information:
F.- Scholarships.
Those interested in applying for scholarships from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training or the Generalitat must have a N.I.E. along with a residence permit, these scholarships may be applied for by Bachelor and Master students.
There are other scholarships charged to the budget of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, which are offered occasionally to students of this university. For more information on these scholarships, please visit: