

Who we are. Internship Unit

The Work Placement Unit of the ETSINF depends organically on the School and functionally on the Integrated Employment Service (SIE) under the Vice-rectorate for Employment and Lifelong Learning.

The SIE is the body that promotes and manages employability initiatives to improve the employability of UPV students and graduates. Within this body is the Work Placement Section, which has the support and participation of the Work Placement Units (UPE) in each center.

From the UPE, we provide support and advice to companies for the publication of internship offers and their formalization. And, to the students, to improve their employability and find a company where to do the internship and regarding their academic repercussion.

What is an Internship in a Company. External internships

  • Company internships or external academic internships are an activity of a formative nature carried out by university students and supervised by the Universities.
  • The objective is to apply and complement the knowledge acquired during academic training, favoring the acquisition of skills for the exercise of professional activities, facilitating employability and promoting entrepreneurship.
  • They can be carried out in companies, public institutions, foundations and non-profit associations both nationally and internationally. It is also possible to carry them out in entities of our university (departments, services, institutes, etc.).

How to post internship offers

For the publication of your internship offers we have available an application in the Employment and Internship Portal – DIRE:

Access to this application is

In this link you will find a manual that will guide you through the process of publishing the offers:

Formalization of the practice

  1. Student and company agree on basic conditions for the internship:
    • Schedule
    • Start and end dates
    • Daily/weekly dedication
    • Economic exchange
    • Student is looking for UPV tutor who will grade the internship.
  2. Student is looking for UPV tutor who will grade the internship.
  3. Generate theeducational cooperation agreement in ” Calculate your practice“. It consists of an application in which you only have to fill in the agreed data and other conditions of the practice. Manual.
  4. The agreement must be signed ELECTRONICALLY (by electronic certificate) by all participants:
    • Company representative
    • Company tutor
    • UPV Tutor
    • Student
  5. Sending the agreement to upe_inf@etsinf.upv.esindicating in the subject line:“New Agreement – Start date DD/MM/YYYYYY”.. Likeminimum 10 calendar days before the start of the internship (*)
  6. If the internship is curricular, the student must already be enrolled or enroll immediately for credits. Instructions at Enrollment in External Practices (PE) in Requirements section.
  7. Social Security registration by the company from the beginning to the end of the internship.

Once the agreement has been processed, both the company and the student will receive a copy signed by the Vice Rector for Employment and Lifelong Learning.


  • Internships must be remunerated: minimum bag 4,60€/hour.
  • They can be carried out in person or at a distance. If they are distance learning, in the section of the agreement “Place where the internship is to be carried out”, “DISTANCE MODALITY” must be indicated.
  • The Internship Unit must receive the signed agreement electronically at least 10 days prior to the start date.

Watch out for the “As soon as possible” button next to the start date that appears in “Calculate your internship”.

If you click on this button you must deliver the agreement already compiled and signed by the tutors, the company representative and the student THAT SAME DAY. It usually takes more than one day to have the agreement compiled and signed.

(*) In the case of internships abroad, the documentation must be sent 30 days before the start date. In addition, private insurance must be taken out. See this link. Consultation to the Internship Unit – ETSINF.

Completion and Evaluation of the internship

At the end of the internship, both the student and the company tutor receive an e-mail announcing that they must complete the Evaluation Reports (by filling in a questionnaire).

Once completed, the UPV Tutor will evaluate the internship:

  • If it is Curricular, you will receive a numerical grade in Externships.
  • If it is extracurricular, the evaluation will be
    • Pass: which will appear on the transcript in the section “Complementary Information” and mention in the European Diploma Supplement.
    • Not Suitable

It is recommended to upload reportsimmediately upon completion of the internship, even if it has been terminated or if a continuation of a first internship is being carried out. All agreements must be evaluated.

Proof of internship

Once an internship has been completed and evaluated, all parties can obtain proof of participation in the internship program. Click here.

Download copy of processed documentation

In this link you can download a copy of the agreements (and their modifications and terminations) processed: