European exchange destinations

Provisional list of European Erasmus+ destinations of agreements established by the ETSINF.
It should be noted that:

  1. The information for each destination is indicative and subject to change based on changes in the academic offerings of each course, dates and language and/or academic requirements of the partners. It must be confirmed through the websites of the destination universities.
  2. For each call, you must check the destinations that are active for that call. For example, the regular call for 2025-26 will be published on November 2, 2024.
  3. For degrees that start mobility in 2025-26, the data are very incipient, so a new consultation will have to be carried out as of November 2, 2024.
  4. If the mobility involves only a recognition of general elective subjects at the UPV (as established in the syllabus of the 4th year, semester B), in each of the destinations any subject whose contents have not been previously taken at the UPV can be taken and the credits obtained for subjects named as “Academic Exchange” (of 3 ECTS, 4.5 ECTS, 6 ECTS and 7.5 ECTS) can be recognized.
  5. As a guideline, depending on the student’s profile, the destinations may or may not contain a mark in their degree (and branch, if applicable).
  6. Students accepted to destinations in Switzerland receive a scholarship from the Swiss government (comparable to the Erasmus+ grant).

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Other destinations

You can consult destinations of other exchange programs in the following link: