Formalities and forms

General Model Application

ETSINF Financial Aid Application

ETSINF Financial Aid Application

Application (pdf)

Request for Refund of Fees

Request for Refund of Fees

(Editable PDF)

A through Policonsulta to the secretariat of your center.

How is the reimbursement of fees managed if I am a beneficiary of a scholarship from the Ministry (MEC) or the Generalitat (GVA)?

Different cases depending on the method of payment.

  • Payment by direct debit. The reimbursement is made ex officio, it is not necessary to request it.
  • Payment through POS. It is necessary to request a refund, which will be made through the same payment method.
  • Other methods of payment. The student must process the reimbursement and indicate in the application a current account number so that the reimbursement can be made.

Deregistration request

Deregistration request

Requests for deregistration, whether for full enrollment or for individual subjects, must be made through the Deregistration application available on the student intranet.

Intranet/ Virtual Secretariat/ Applications/ Unsubscription request

Types of Leaves that you can request:

FULL LOW:It implies the cancellation of the student’s enrollment in all the courses he/she has enrolled in.

You will be able to choose between two modalities:

  • – Due to illness.
  • – Upon request.

PARTIAL LOW:It involves the request for withdrawal ONLY in SOME of the subjects/teachings enrolled by the student. You will only see the enrolled subjects for which you can exercise the action of requesting a deregistration.

You will be able to select among four modalities and justify them with documents:

  • – Due to illness.
  • – Upon request.
  • – Mobility Adjustments.
  • – Adjustments for externships.

In cases of illness and at the student’s own request, he/she MAY TAKE AN ASSOCIATED REGISTRATION, that is to say, he/she may request at the same time the enrollment of subject(s).

If the application is for adjustments (mobility or internships) it will have to have an associated registration, otherwise it would not be an application for adjustments, but the other two modalities.

When you request the registration of a subject you must also indicate the group in which you want to enroll. If the subject or group has no vacancies it will not appear.

The application will be resolved according to the DEADLINES established by the  UPV Academic Calendar approved by the Governing Counciland the reasons given by the student.

After the general deadline, the reason for the applications that are favorably resolved must be DULY JUSTIFIED or be a supervening cause after said date.

The resolution will be resolved favorably or unfavorably, with the economic effects (reimbursement of fees), with the possibility of filing an appeal if you do not agree with the resolution notified.

In the case of being approved with the right to reimbursement, the student must apply for the reimbursement of fees in the same academic year.

Procedure for requesting deregistration
We are at your disposal to clarify any doubts you may have through the platform  Poli Consultation

Application for Extraordinary Evaluation of GRADUATES and MASTERS Degrees

Application for Extraordinary Evaluation of GRADUATES and MASTERS Degrees

Extraordinary Undergraduate and Master’s Degree Exams


The possibility of extraordinary evaluation events is established, outside the general established deadlines, in order to facilitate that students who have a reduced number of pending subjects to pass can finish their studies without having to wait a year for the ordinary evaluation.

Call for the Extraordinary Degree Ceremony Course 2023/2024

Call for GRADE 2023-2024

Updated: 19/09/2023

Extraordinary Master’s Course 2023/2024 Extraordinary Event

Call for proposals MASTER 2023-2024

Updated: 19/09/2023

Proof of Examination for the Student Body

Proof of Examination for the Student Body

Students who need proof of attendance to an exam shall proceed as follows:

In the information offices of buildings 1G and 1E you will request a blank document and take it to the professor on the day of the exam to be signed. You will then take it to the same office to be stamped.