20 DEXPU Edition

We are pleased to present the next edition of DEXPU (Diploma de Experto en Pedagogía Universitaria), our training program, so appreciated and valued by more than 500 colleagues who have had the opportunity to take it and enjoy it throughout the different courses. It is our 20th anniversary, and we want to celebrate it with the rigor that characterizes the program, but also with “surprises” events throughout the course, that is why, if you meet the requirements and are eager for pedagogical adventures, this is your chance.

In the following link You can see the requirements, and all the curriculum that will ensure you the competencies you need to enjoy your teaching to the fullest. Check it out and if you or a colleague is interested, sign up and we will arrange an interview. The conditions of the program lead us to make a selection (due to the number of places offered) and organize a group that can be enriched by the shared experiences. If you have any questions, you can contact us personally at the following e-mail address: algarcia@ice.upv.es (Eloïna); pcaceres@ice.upv.es (Pilar), we will be happy to help you.

Come on, we are waiting for you.

ICE DEXPU Coordinators

Registration from October 30, from 12:00 noon to November 13 through:  https://poseidon.cfp.upv.es/portal-oferta/oferta/301/472/index