Once again this year, the Vice Rectors’ Offices of “Faculty and Academic Organization”; “Planning, Academic Offering and Digital Transformation”; “Organization, Studies, Quality, Accreditation and Languages”; “Students and Entrepreneurship” and “Internationalization and Communication” are pleased to present to you the call forLearning and Teaching (A+D), which continues to improve and reflect the latest advances in educational innovation proposals at the UPV.
This call, in turn, is divided into two calls:
The deadline for submitting the application forms for the PIME on June 30, 2024.
- “ Good teaching practices“(BPD).
As a novelty, the presentation of BPDs is established in two phases(first the written story is presented and, once this phase is over, the audiovisual resource is presented). The deadline dateFor the first phase, the written story is the June 30, 2024.
We thank you for your interest and encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity for improvement that these initiatives provide.
We remind you that you can request consultancyto ICE through poly[Query].(ICE – Educational Innovation).