The ICE is a unit whose fundamental mission is to promote and support educational innovation at the university based on the needs derived from the UPV’s educational model, as reflected in the different institutional programs, as well as to provide specialized pedagogical support to the agents involved (faculty, management teams, students and the university community in general) with the aim of placing the student and his or her involvement in learning at the center of the training offered by the university itself. Institutionally, it depends on the Vice-rectorate for Teaching Staff and Academic Planning.
To this end, the ICE has four main lines of action:

Accompanyto the architects of the training developed by the University (professors, management teams, students), accompanying the faculty in their professional development, assisting the management teams of centers and departments and helping students throughout their training process.

Innovate, advise and provide pedagogical support. to innovations linked to institutional projects, as well as to the initiatives of teams of teachers who wish to experiment and change their educational practices, evaluating their effectiveness in terms of student learning.

Enhancing the value of teaching and the performance of its main actors, contributing to the visualization of both best practices and research in educational practice carried out in the university community.

To deepen the study and research in educationThe UPV has been working with the collaboration of researchers from the UPV and other university institutions to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of Higher Education.